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Text Formatting

The MLEM package contains a simple text formatting system that supports coloring, bold and italic font modifiers, in-text icons and text animations.

Text formatting makes use of generic fonts, and MLEM.Ui's Paragraph supports text formatting out of the box, but using it for your own text rendering is very simple.

The demo features plenty of examples of the formatting codes that are available by default, as well as examples of the ability to add custom codes and interact with formatted text.

Formatting codes

To format your text, you can insert formatting codes into it. Almost all of these codes are single letters surrounded by <>, and some formatting codes can accept additional parameters after their letter representation.

By default, the following formatting options are available:

  • Colors using <c ColorName>. All default MonoGame colors are supported, for example <c CornflowerBlue>. Reset using </c>.
  • Bold and italic text using <b> and <i>, respectively. Reset using </b> and </i>.
  • Drop shadows using <s>. Optional parameters for the shadow's color and positional offset are accepted: <s #AARRGGBB 2.5>. Reset using </s>.
  • Underlined and strikethrough text using <u> and <st>, respectively. Reset using </u> and </st>.
  • Subscript and superscript text using <sub> and <sup>, respectively. Reset using </sub> and </sup>.
  • Text outlines using <o>. Optional parameters for the outlines' color and thickness are accepted as well: <o #ff0000 4>. Reset using </o>.
  • A wobbly sine wave animation using <a wobbly>. Optional parameters for the wobble's intensity and height are accepted: <a wobbly 10 0.25>. Reset using </a>.

When using MLEM.Ui's Paragraph, these additional formatting options are available by default:

  • Hoverable and clickable links using <l Url>. Reset using </l>.
  • Inline font changes using <f FontName>, with custom fonts gathered from UiStyle.AdditionalFonts. Reset using </f>.

If you only want to use your own formatting codes in your text formatter, the constructor allows disabling some or all of the default ones.

Getting your text ready

To get your text ready for rendering with formatting codes, it has to be tokenized. For that, you need to create a new text formatter first. Additionally, you need to have a generic font ready:

var font = new GenericSpriteFont(this.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/ExampleFont"));
var formatter = new TextFormatter();

You can then tokenize your string like so:

var tokenizedString = formatter.Tokenize(font, "This is a <c Green>formatted</c> string!");

Additionally, if you want your tokenized string to be split based on a certain maximum width automatically, you can split it like so:

tokenizedString.Split(font, maxWidth, scale);

Drawing the formatted text

To draw your tokenized text, all you have to do is call its Draw method like so:

tokenizedString.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch, position, font, color, scale, depth); 

Note that, if your tokenized text contains any animations, you have to update the tokenized string every Update call like so:


Interacting with formatted text

The TokenizedString class also features several methods for querying and interacting with the drawing of formatted text:

// the token that is under queryPosition if the string is drawn at position
var tokenUnderPos = tokenizedString.GetTokenUnderPos(position, queryPosition, scale);

foreach (var token in tokenizedString.Tokens) {
    // the area that the given token takes up
    var area = token.GetArea(position, scale);

Adding custom codes

Adding custom formatting codes is easy! There are two things that a custom formatting code requires:

  • A class that extends Code that does what your formatting code should do (we'll use MyCustomCode in this case)
  • A regex that determines what strings your formatting code matches
  • A formatting code constructor that creates a new instance of your code's class

You can then register your formatting code like this:

formatter.Codes.Add(new Regex("<matchme>"), (form, match, regex) => new MyCustomCode(match, regex));

To add an in-text image formatting code, you can use the ImageCodeExtensions.AddImage extension. All you have to do is supply the texture region and a name:

formatter.AddImage("ImageName", new TextureRegion(texture, 0, 0, 8, 8));

After doing so, the image can be displayed using the code <i ImageName>.


The text formatting system additionally supports macros: Regular expressions that cause the matched text to expand into a different string. Macros are resolved recursively (up to 64 times), meaning that you can have macros that resolve into other macros as well.

By default, the following macros are available:

  • ~ expands into a non-breaking space, much like in LaTeX.
  • <n> expands into a newline character, if you like visual consistency with the other codes.

Adding custom macros is very similar to adding custom formatting codes:

formatter.Macros.Add(new Regex("matchme"), (form, match, regex) => "replacement string");