
3 KiB


Namespace: TinyLife > Objects

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll


An action spot is a TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot extension that is used by TinyLife.Objects.Furniture to declare a location that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can interact with the furniture at


Name Summary
ActionSpot ( Vector2, Direction2[] ) Creates a new action spot with the given settings
ActionSpot ( Vector2, Single, Direction2[] ) Creates a new action spot with the given settings
ActionSpot ( Vector2, Vector2, Single, Direction2[] ) Creates a new action spot with the given settings


Type Name Summary
Nullable<ObjectCategory> CategoryRestriction The categories that this TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot is restricted to. This is used by things like TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.ModernBed to declare separate spots for sitting on and sleeping on. By default, this is set to null.
Int32 DrawLayer The layer that a person slotted into this action spot using TinyLife.Objects.Person.OccupyActionSpot(TinyLife.Objects.Furniture,TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{MLEM.Misc.Direction2}) is drawn on. By default, this is set to 0, meaning it will be drawn on top of the first layer of this furniture.


Return Name Summary
IEnumerable<Direction2> GetFreeDirections ( Furniture, Person ) Returns a set of MLEM.Misc.Direction2 values that this spot can be accessed from. Valid directions will have an empty space that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can stand in, but not necessarily walk to. The returned value is used by TinyLife.Objects.Furniture.GetFreeActionSpots(TinyLife.Objects.Person,TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory) and TinyLife.Objects.Furniture.GetFreeActionSpotInfo(TinyLife.Objects.Person,TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory) to find a location adjacent to this action spot that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can walk to.
IEnumerable<Person> GetOccupants ( Furniture, Boolean ) Returns a set of the TinyLife.Objects.Person instances that are currently occupying this action spot. Note that an action spot is also marked as occupied if the person is currently on their way to it.