
2.2 KiB


Namespace: TinyLife > Objects

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IGenericDataHolder, IPricedObject


Name Summary
Painting ( Guid, FurnitureType, Int32[], Map, Vector2 )


Type Name Summary
Guid Creator The System.Guid of the TinyLife.Objects.Person that created, and is painting this painting. This value defaults to System.Guid.Empty, meaning no creator.
PaintingType PaintingType The type of painting that this object displays
Single Progress The progress that has been done on this painting by the TinyLife.Objects.Painting.Creator so far. This value defaults to 1, which is 100%.
Quality Quality The TinyLife.Objects.Painting.Quality that this painting has. This value default to TinyLife.Skills.Quality.Average, but may be different if there is a TinyLife.Objects.Painting.Creator.


Return Name Summary
void Draw ( GameTime, SpriteBatch, Vector2, Vector2, Nullable<Color>, Direction2, Int32[], Single, Boolean, Furniture, ObjectSpot, Single, Boolean )
Tooltip GetHoverInfo ( )
Boolean Validate ( )