
3.9 KiB


Namespace: TinyLife > World

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IGenericDataHolder, IPricedObject


A wall is an element of a TinyLife.World.Map that stops traversal and that has a TinyLife.World.Wallpaper and optionally an TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening attached to it.


Name Summary
Wall ( Point[] ) Creates a new wall at the given position, with the implicitly given verticality


Type Name Summary
Point[] Positions The two positions that this wall is placed in. The two positions refer to the tile coordinate of the tile on the front face of the wall, and the tile coordinate of the tile on the back face of the wall.
Wallpaper[] Wallpapers The two wallpapers attached to this TinyLife.World.Wall, on either one of its sides


Type Name Summary
Opening Opening The TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening attached to this wall, or null if there is none. Use TinyLife.World.Wall.SetOpening(TinyLife.World.Map,TinyLife.World.Opening) to set this value.
Boolean Vertical Stores whether this wall is vertical. A vertical wall is one where the TinyLife.World.Wall.Positions have the same y, but different x coordinates.


Return Name Summary
void Draw ( Map, GameTime, SpriteBatch, Vector2 ) Draws this wall in the world, along with its TinyLife.World.Wall.Wallpapers and TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening
Single GetDepth ( Map, Single ) Returns the depth that should be used for a wall placed at this wall's positions. This method is used for rendering TinyLife.World.Wallpaper and TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening.
WallMode GetDisplayMode ( ) Returns the TinyLife.World.WallMode that this wall should be rendered with. If the TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening is nonnull, its TinyLife.World.OpeningType.WallMode is returned.
Int32 GetIndexForCamera ( ) Returns the side of the wall that should be rendered. For TinyLife.World.Wall.Vertical walls, the position with the highest X value is returned. For non-TinyLife.World.Wall.Vertical walls, the position with the highest Y value is returned.
Single GetPrice ( )
Boolean IsDown ( ) Returns whether this wall should be rendered with a lower height than its actual height. If this value returns true, TinyLife.World.Wall.Draw(TinyLife.World.Map,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2) only draws the first 5 or so pixels of the wall to allow for a simple view of what is behind the wall. This value is based on the lot visibility, the TinyLife.Options.WallMode and more.
void SetOpening ( Map, Opening ) Changes the TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening in this wall to the specified one
Boolean Validate ( ) This method is called when this object is loaded from disk.

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
WallMode[] DisplayModes All defined values of the TinyLife.World.WallMode enumeration
Int32 Price The price of building a single wall element