- Improved action selection menu navigation when using a gamepad
- Increased the resolution of the selection texture, causing objects to be easier to highlight when zoomed out
- Improved the way "down" versions of roofs look by still drawing their wall outlines
- Fixed being able to place wallpaper on roofs and stairs outside the owned area
- Fixed removing nothing using the remove tool causing an empty undo/redo item to be added
- Fixed a rare exception when navigating the character creator with a gamepad
- DeathReason is now a class, allowing for custom death reasons to be added by mods
- Added an event for when a person's age changes
- Removed duplicate frames for all hair, accessories and shirts (see [this commit](https://github.com/Ellpeck/TinyLifeWeb/commit/1138804dc2d51777eba34ac8ff31637aae9f0c95) to the documentation for more info)
**Read the devlog [on the website](https://tinylifegame.com/devlogs/0.44.0/).**
- Added the Outright Pride 2024 set, which includes 7 new actions, 10 new clothes and accessories, 12 new furniture items, 2 new foods, 1 new wallpaper, and the rec center lot type
- Added the Lavender Park world, which is a small commercial zone with a rec center, a café and a gym
- Added fallen leaves and big leaf pile autumn decorations
- Added some additional blond hair colors
- Improved the custom content import menu for use with gamepads
- Allow hovering over the entire emotion modifier rather than just its text to see the tooltip
- Only mark new upgrades, woodworking recipes and food as seen if they're now available
- Allow multi-tasking tinkering and social actions
- Display passive improvements when the cleaning skill is leveled up
- Allow non-colling objects like plates to sit in neighboring object spots
- Made people prefer eating at tables in the same room even if they don't have a free table spot
- Give various text boxes a maximum length
- Improve the dropdown panel's styling
- Made existing color schemes more consistent and less prone to breaking with color scheme updates
- Improved the money addition/subtraction animation to be much more noticeable
- Display color scheme display names on objects with a lot of color schemes
- Condense the emotion tab's gamepad display
- Also display the lot employment and inhabiting household's portraits in the lot tooltip
- Allow the small bush to have no flowers
- Mail carriers will now not be added to worlds that don't have any residential lots
- Fixed being able to visit a lot in AI mode when clicking on self while hovering over an adjacent lot
- Fixed people with invalid memories being entirely deleted on load
- Fixed a computer in Lunar Grove being rotated incorrectly
- Fixed furniture with variations not being marked as seen correctly until the tab is reopened
- Fixed children being able to adopt each other as parents
- Fixed an exception when unable to hire a babysitter
- Fixed a rare crash when a social action ends unexpectedly
- Fixed bobbing furniture also bobbing in build mode previews
- Fixed lots with a lot of walls taking unnecessarily long to import
- Modded names now have to follow a more rigid format: they have to start wit the mod's ID (the name is not allowed anymore), followed by a period
- Added type-safe GoalTrigger subclasses
- Added a migration system which allows updating objects of various types in old saves to newer game versions easily
- Allow mods to specify sting sounds for their emotion types
- Added debug actions for setting romance and friendship between people
- Removed the ability to merge color schemes with each other
- Added ModLoader.GetOwningMod utility method
- Fixed MoveMap cheat crashing the game if the number passed is more than 7
- Disallow color schemes that have duplicate colors
Hi everyone! We know it's been a while since the last major update, despite the fact that we usually try to stick to a monthly update schedule. However, we've been hard at work on two major things: the Outright Pride 2024 set and the elder life stage. So stay tuned for the next major update coming soon!
- Added a popup to hire a babysitter that displays when every adult is out of town
- Added a makeup character creator category and simple blush makeup
- Disallow locking the curtain door and staff-only doors
- Increased the notification history from 512 to 1024
- Don't force-save the game on important events like death
- Made fooling around take a random amount of time
- Slowed down the eating animation
- Allow accessing options and notifications from within the character creator
- Don't bob the gamepad selection outline when UI animations are disabled
- Made the gamepad selection outline a bit wider when a text paragraph is selected
- Fixed a crash when removing objects that are out of bounds on a higher floor
- Fixed money being charged even when the phone case color is not actually changed
- Fixed the Travel to World action being available if there is only one world in a save
- Fixed gravestones without a person in them disappearing on load
- Fixed hiring one-off employees causing a crash if there are no people in exported households
- Fixed duplicate exported people being able to be added to the map at once
- Fixed fooling around between aro and non-aro people failing when it shouldn't
- Fixed various panels not selecting a default element when using a gamepad
- Fixed the mailbox flag's rotation being inconsistent
- Fixed households being able to be auto-generated with no relations between members
- Removed the very incomplete traditional chinese translation for now. If you want to help get it back into the game, please check out the [community localization docs](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/localization.html).
- Added SaveHandler.OnBindToType event for overriding type deserialization behavior
- Updated door type names to be less confusing
- Added events for modifying the visit priorities of lots and maps
- Added IUpdatingMemory to make updating memories with custom types optional
- Goals and choice prompts now also require the mod id to be present in their names
- Added an autonomous Check on Baby action that'll help with autonomous baby care in homes with multiple floors especially
- Added [non-buyable](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/cheats.html) debug openings that are just the cutouts other openings use without a texture of their own, which may be useful for custom maps
- Improved the way household previews are created and stored. This means that all saves will have to have their previews regenerated by loading them, selecting a household, and saving the game.
- Center the camera on the last relevant lot when entering the household selection screen
- Display infinite tiny bucks in build-only mode, instead of no money at all
- Made the tech withdrawal emotion modifier give bored rather than sad
- Fixed the baby cleanup action not displaying proper visuals based on person ordering
- Fixed an exception when adding furniture from other maps to storage
- Fixed empty lots causing a crash when calculating their size
- Fixed a crash when a person holding something just aged up
- Fixed the outdoorsy emotion modifiers displaying when out of town
- Fixed pregnant bellies being able to display out of bounds when changing lifespan settings during pregnancy
- Added various additional debugging [cheats](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/cheats.html) and debug actions to help players debug common issues
> Plenty of Personalities and Different Difficulties
**Read the devlog [on the website](https://tinylifegame.com/devlogs/0.42.0/).**
- Added the Homebody, Daydreamer, Cheerful and Brave personalities
- Added the ability to set the game's difficulty level between Chill, Normal and Intense modes in the gameplay options. Difficulty influences skill building, relationship gain, need reduction, and more.
- Increased the maximum amount of personalities for adults from 2 to 3, and for children from 1 to 2. To edit the personalities of your existing Tinies, you can use the `EditPerson` [cheat](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/cheats.html).
- Improved the way that lot staff chooses objects to prepare orders with
- Improved random generation style choices to make them a bit more consistent
- Make clear what exactly is missing when trying to exit the character creator
- Improved performance when adding and removing objects, walls, stairs, roofs and lights
- Made more specific emotion types with the same amount be prioritized over Happy, Uncomfortable and Fine
- Various actions now take a randomized amount of time, rather than a fixed amount
- Order personality types by name
- Made Tinies that live on lots with missing amenities automatically leave town to fill their needs elsewhere if they're unplayed
- Don't automatically generate a babysitter for a map when none are needed yet
- Change the baby's last name automatically when adopting or having one
- Scroll the color selection menu if necessary to avoid UI elements overlapping each other
- Made emergency food delivery only occur in the Chill difficulty
- Display a Tiny's pronouns and reproductive abilities in their About tab
- Made children not immediately eat food they made on the child stove
- Only focus the camera on dying people if at least one household member knows them
- Made the chance of fooling around failing lower the higher the romance level is
- Made the Illusion of Bridge debug object be only the ground part, rather than the ground and fence. Fences can now be placed on top to allow more variety in bridge styles.
- Fixed an exception when a possible romantic partner is removed during an action
- Fixed the bar in Maple Plains City being inaccessible for ordering
- Fixed an exception when no valid position to order or view art from is found
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes stick around after closing
- Fixed babies being able to get some child-and-up emotions
- Fixed controls hint options box not having a correct default value
- Fixed people being able to put babies down through walls
- Fixed mean people not having higher success chances in social actions if their charisma skill is higher
- Fixed large objects escaping their build mode buttons
- Fixed various personality types not counting for both partners of an interaction
- Fixed chatting on the computer displaying friendship particles on the other person
- Fixed relationship bars in action argument menus being mouseable
- Fixed multiple outfits being generated for adoptable children, even if they don't match their intentions
- Fixed lot previous working incorrectly with auto-tiles like paths and water
- Fixed children being able to hire a babysitter
- Fixed Tinies leaving public lots immediately when asked to visit sometimes
- Fixed bees still going through walls
- Fixed babies not being able to interact with other babies
- Fixed getting unbalanced diet emotions from drinks
- Split Person out into Person and PersonLike to allow for mods and future game content to feature other person-like objects like animals, and allow actions, personality types and more to be restricted to specific PersonLike types
- Made some more helper and extension methods public
- Made actions have the ability to last a random amount of time easily
- Allow specifying emotes directly, rather than just categories
- Added events for selection handler selection changes
- More aggressively ensure that mods only use their assigned Harmony instances
- Fixed Harmony not working correctly due to an incompatibility with .NET 8
> Huge New Set, Babysitters, Museums, More Stings, and More
**Read the devlog [on the website](https://tinylifegame.com/devlogs/0.41.0/).**
- Added the Contemporary Complements set with art by [Gindew](https://linktr.ee/redgindew), which includes a large amount of new furniture items, art pieces, and more
- Added the ability to hire a one-off babysitter using the phone
- Added a museum lot type, along with a museum curator lot staff, and the ability to view art pieces
- Added a new voice type, the soft voice, by [Jason Hall](https://linktr.ee/jason11818)
- Added event sting sound effects for various important events by [Jamal Green](https://www.jamalgreenmusic.com/)
- Added the ability to adopt someone as a parent
- Added the ability to set a height offset for roofs, allowing more advanced roof layouts
- Added cute little ambient bee particles around flowers and flower bushes
- Improved center position when rotating the camera on higher floors
- Also allow storing furniture in the household storage while on the cursor
- Made it take much longer for family-focused people to miss their family
- Made people get uncomfortable if they eat the same food too often
- Display roadmap and wiki links in the main menu
- Made people discard their held item before sleeping
- Slightly decrease the size of the controls hints by default
- Made the money change overlay more prominent
- Allow making UI scale much smaller on high-res screens
- Made lot staff types have icons
- Move all furniture to its correct parent object spot position on load
- Cull roof filler walls that aren't visible
- Improved skill gain speed of the communication skill
- Display a tooltip when hovering over lots, rather than having to guess the type by the lot's outline color
- Improved the styling of in-world tooltips for the gamepad cursor
- Fixed a bed that only has the current person in it saying you're not romantic enough with them
- Fixed TVs close to map borders causing an exception when trying to watch
- Fixed being unable to start interactions with people on different floors
- Fixed a crash when selecting a tile that is out of bounds
- Fixed an exception when opening a people selection menu from a small map
- Fixed content not being selected when switching furniture tabs using a gamepad
- Fixed gamepad tooltips being in the corner of the screen for one frame
- Fixed the played household's held furniture items being deleted when loading the game
- Fixed roof filler walls z-fighting when moving the camera
- Fixed a rogue wallpaper pixel being visible on gabled roofs in some camera rotations
- Fixed babies being unable to eat when the only seat is on a different floor
- Fixed people turning a weird direction sometimes when interacting with big furniture items
- Fixed ordering from staff not failing when the staff can't be reached, causing far-away interactions
- Localizers: the verbose log now displays mismatched newline characters between localizations
In yesterday's update, we made a last minute change to lot visitation behavior that we thought was minor but turned out to break a lot of things. Oops?
- Fixed played people also having to be invited in, causing them to be unable to visit lots
- Fixed home lots not counting as visited when first spawning on them, causing people to be unable to find objects on them
- Fixed players having to use the visit lot action for people to be able to see objects on lots
**Read the devlog [on the website](https://tinylifegame.com/devlogs/0.40.0/).**
- Added Lunar Grove, a lovely secluded forest town with buildings contributed by the lovely [Plumbella](https://www.youtube.com/@Plumbella)
- Added the ability for empty homes to be populated automatically with exported or randomly generated households during gameplay
- Added a backup management screen that allows creating, removing and restoring save backups from within the game
- Added on-screen camera zoom buttons
- Added a few new cakes
- Display some important notifications as splashes in the center of the screen
- Display the reason an object can't be placed in build mode as a tooltip
- Display achievement progress in the achievements menu
- Improved the look of tooltips
- Made some foods incompatible for people who are pregnant
- Display food restrictions when they apply, rather than when they don't
- Moved chair spots slightly closer to their parent objects
- Disallow children from visiting a strange household with no children in it
- Made people discard their held item automatically before going out of town
- Display relationship levels in the people selection menu
- Avoid households with more household members also receiving more visitors
- Display which items were changed in the steam content notification
- Made people go on parental leave automatically if necessary when giving birth
- Made people stay at home and on lots longer
- Don't require a table for children to do homework
- Display rooms on lower floors a bit darker to make depth clearer for open floor sections
- Highlight the selected person more thoroughly compared to other people when using the highlight tinies option
- Display an auto-save indicator at the top of the screen
- Fixed doors opening for people on different floors
- Fixed people being allowed to use doors when they weren't invited in
- Fixed the Maple Plains City Campers' Lane 2 living room area being inaccessible in new saves
- Fixed a rare crash when loading a save with complex fencing setups
- Fixed existing work relationships not improving if the ai relationships option is off
- Fixed a rogue black pixel in the rhombus rug
- Fixed the ability to make the UI scale so large that reverting was impossible
- Fixed depth rendering issues for people with a lot of clothes layers equipped
- Fixed UI blinking briefly when a person is selected using right-click
- Fixed mail carriers and trash collectors not going home after their route is done
- Fixed children being able to apply furniture upgrades
- Fixed outfit previews in the character creator ignoring hidden layers
- Fixed the cheat history storing empty strings when invoking an empty cheat
- Fixed lots being marked as visited when walking over them, causing people to stick around lots they weren't meant to
- Fixed removing maps from saves causing people to spawn at map borders and getting stuck
- Added SimpleBehavior action, an action type that allows easily creating behavior-based actions without a custom class
- Improved the way special action types, like talk actions and project actions, are constructed
- Game content initialized through static constructors is now explicitly loaded in order. If a mod disrupts the order by accessing content earlier than expected, a warning is emitted.
- Generified the color system to allow all objects with colors to have a color map and default colors
- Added the tinkering skill and the ability to discover upgrades
- Added the ability to upgrade various furniture items
- Added a variation of the wooden stairs that doesn't have wallpaper
- Improved the visual style of the character creator
- Made the family-focused personality's emotions also take close friends into account
- Only allow admitting to romance with someone else for seven days after it happened
- Renamed "Add a Little Something" to "Enhance Flavor"
- Made energy loss and the chance of splinters lower when woodworking
- Made people not stand in the same spot when multiple people visit a lot at the same time
- Improved the Tiny Bucks logo to be more easily decipherable as TB
- Fixed the furniture tool considering possible parent objects on different floors
- Fixed moving to a different map not moving people there correctly
- Fixed a crash when moving ceiling-hung objects out of bounds using the furniture tool
- Fixed the same map being able to be in a save twice
- Fixed help actions not working correctly when the person is being held
- Fixed notifications not being able to be dismissed when clicking their icon
- Fixed object selection not working correctly on higher floors
- Fixed objects at map borders causing a crash when checking for free interaction spots
- Fixed an exception when the sink or baby is missing while cleaning up a baby
- Fixed objects still being highlighted while placing stairs
- Fixed collision issues with stairs
- Game content initialized through static constructors is now explicitly loaded in order. If a mod disrupts the order by accessing content earlier than expected, a warning is emitted.
- Made TestedVersionRange property mandatory for mods
- Refactored particle and light property names to be more consistent
- Added pantyhose and semi-transparent pantyhose leg accessories
- Added leggings for adults and children
- Automatically populate Steam item descriptions with data from the shared item
- Use the household split panel when inviting someone into your household
- Made it more difficult to die from being too brewed
- Display untested mods info as a proper warning popup so players miss it less easily
- Removed the name "Nazi" from the naming database. Being a reasonably popular middle-eastern/asian name, it was part of the database of popular international names Tiny Life used. Because of obvious connotations, we've decided to remove it.
- Fixed an issue where Tinies with partners that aren't in the world are inconsistently marked as single
- Fixed an error when trying to move a Tiny to their home location but there aren't any empty spaces around
- Fixed being able to change your pronouns in a language that doesn't include them
- Fixed Tinies thinking they'd reached their destination already when being on a different floor
- Fixed being able to add the same map to the list of maps in a save twice, causing a crash
- Fixed an exception when putting down a painting on the easel you're about to start a new painting on
- Fixed being able to walk through stairs in certain situations
- Added leg accessory clothing category
- Allow mods to add custom names to name collections
This is a preview version. If you want to try it out, you can find more info on [the documentation](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/preview.html).
- Added various clutter items, including jars, palettes, washing up stuff, book stacks, sandbox decor
- Added various outdoor decorations, including sunflowers and clover patches
- Added five new wallpapers and three new tiles
- Added the poetic genius life goal
- Added the ability to disallow friends and strangers visiting by selecting a home lot's front door
- Display a warning when mods haven't been tested on the current game version
- Display other maps as part of the main menu background
- Display the influence of an emotion on a skill in the skill tab
- Improved depth calculations for big ground objects like rugs
- Display a dropdown in the pronoun selection area that suggests default pronouns
- Slightly rebalanced skill item quality outcomes
- Display when a person is currently on vacation in their job tab
- Only start new jobs with an active vacation day if they should be at work immediately when getting the job
- Fixed mod error notification not being localized fully
- Fixed tooltips for missing lot conditions not being displayed when using a gamepad
- Fixed the name of the in-game hint for multiple floors being missing
- Fixed people claiming beds on other people's home lots
- Fixed TVs with more than one layer looking incorrect when displaying content
- Fixed the ability to load saves that don't have per-save options files
- Fixed lots at map borders causing a crash
- Fixed a crash when having an invalid language selected in the options
- Fixed being able to watch TV on different floors
- Fixed being entirely unable to order from lot staff
- Fixed the running animation showing while still stationary when jogging
- Added Mod.TestedVersionRange, a new property that mods are expected to implement, which allows specifying a SemVer version range of Tiny Life versions that the mod has successfully been tested with
- Overhauled the memories system to allow for multiple memories of each type to be present
- Updated to .NET 8
- Generified pathfinding code to allow using it for non-Person objects
- Allow launching into a save directly using the --save or --load argument
- Allow using the --ansi argument to include console colors in log files for modders
- Mods are now loaded in order of their DLL's name
We've been making some changes to how tiles and wallpaper draw in the world, and it turns out that it caused a lot of issues that we neglected to test for. This is a really embarrassing one, though. Sorry everyone!
- Fixed auto-tiles and water tiles straight up not working
This is a preview version. If you want to try it out, you can find more info on [the documentation](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/preview.html).
This is a preview version. If you want to try it out, you can find more info on [the documentation](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/preview.html).
This is a preview version. If you want to try it out, you can find more info on [the documentation](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/preview.html).
- Added the Retro Rarities set with art by [clovedove](https://clovedove.tumblr.com/), which includes various new furniture and clothing items in a retro style
- Added ambient firefly particles to forested areas
- Added two new funky wallpapers
- Added large concrete tiles tile
- Display variation textures for concrete, roads and dirt paths
- Increased default and allowed regular visitor amounts
- Added emotions for babies following adults and cleaning up babies
- Added emotions for babies reading story books and adults helping them
- Display custom content info in multi-map selection options menu
- Improved unemployment display in relationship infos
- Link new community showcase site in custom content menus
- Localized exported household, person and lot names
- Improved friendship and romance string displays in relationship panel
- Allow the espresso machine to break
- Improved passive update timing for unplayed maps
- Fixed jungle gym not being obstructed by roofs
- Fixed debug teleport action not working if the person is on the same map
- Fixed content not being properly validated when lots are exported
- Fixed various issues when adding additional maps to the current save
- Fixed tile grid being hidden behind multi-layer tiles
- Fixed depth positions of scaled particles on parents
- Fixed people not finding out someone's job when meeting them at work
- Fixed moving to a new lot causing the household to be added on the wrong map occasionally
- Fixed unpaid bills info displaying for inactive households
- Fixed skill achievements not working due to baby skills
- Fixed being unable to go home on a different map if standing in the same location as the home lot
- Fixed people not fully reaching their destinations on high speeds, causing subsequent actions to fail
- Fixed regular visitors failing to appear at their jobs, causing them to get fired regularly
- Made Walk and Drive actions typeless
- Allow roofs to have multiple layers and colors
- Allow actions to be enqueued as priority by the AI
This is a small update to fix some major bugs people have reported since the Early Access release earlier today! Thanks so much for all the kind words and lovely feedback today, we're so grateful to have such a kind and loving community <3
- Fixed a rare crash when a person is out of bounds in a vehicle
- Fixed a crash when a map loads very quickly
- Fixed a rare crash when a food item's parent furniture is removed while eating
- Addressed a crash when trying to resize the cursor on some devices
This is the initial version of Tiny Life's [Steam Early Access release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1651490/view/3702565493872455898). The following changelog only covers changes in the Tiny Life Demo since 0.31.4.
No devlog this time! Keep an eye out for a big announcement soon, though...
- Added the ability to set pronouns for Tinies. To set pronouns for your already existing Tinies, use the `EditPerson` [cheat](https://docs.tinylifegame.com/articles/cheats.html).
- Display the price for a new painting on the Paint action
- Avoid creating portraits for Tinies who aren't seen unnecessarily
- Improved the way relationship type names are displayed
- The camera now rotates around the cursor rather than the center of the screen
- Hide personality types that aren't available for the Tiny's current age
- Display a notification when a relationship's romance type changes
- Fixed adults being able to be randomly generated with child voices
- Fixed being able to start a new painting when not having enough money
- Fixed primary students being able to get a raise
- Fixed children being able to die from too much protein
- Fixed copying outfits causing the color to change on the outfit copied from as well
- Fixed food/drink orders at cafés being random items rather than the ones ordered
- Explain that other default maps are unavailable in the demo
- Improved error handling for Steam cloud save issues
- Fixed people in Demoville cleaning up items from the picnic spot while cleaning at home
- Fixed the load menu staying open after the last save is deleted, causing gamepad controls to get stuck
- Fixed natural objects not being removed when a new room is created
- Fixed a rare crash when switching between gamepad and mouse controls
- Fixed old cloud saves crashing the game if Steam is open (thanks so much [Owlynn](https://twitter.com/OY_TheGeniusD) for their help fixing this issue)
No devlog this time, but we want to take this moment to wish you all a Happy Pride Month! If you're in a position to, please consider donating to charities like [The Trevor Project](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/) which make an effort to support LGBTQIA+ people.
- Added four new window designs
- Added a few additional Pride flags
- Added three curtain/blind furniture items
- Added paper lantern fairy light furniture
- Added pescetarian, vegetarian and vegan personality types
- Added a lot of food types to accomodate the new personality types
- Added uneasy and relaxed emotion types
- Speed up game launch by improving texture packing performance
- Made drywall a bit less ugly in terms of decorative rating
- Added particles for death-related emotions, as well as showers
- Added protein shakes for creative and relaxed emotions
- Improved the look of the corners on grassy auto-tiles
- Renamed Options button to Options and Hints
- Allow cleaning dishes for the household hero life goal's first stage
- Fixed a crash with gamepad controls and in-game hints
- Fixed rendering issues with wall-hanging objects that were placed off the grid
- Fixed a crash when all household members die and UI animations are enabled
- Fixed objects not being able to get dirty
- Added the ability for map objects to influence need regeneration speed
- Added the ability to control the entire game using a gamepad
- Added newspapers, and the ability to get jobs from them
- Added two street lamps, a stone wall fence, a coffee machine, a food display case, a staff-only door, a café sign, big and small glass dinner tables, a small wooden dinner table, a modern chair, a coat rack, a wall-attached shower
- Added a café lot type, a playground lot type, and a barista lot employment
- Added the Coffees and Trees Café to Maple Plains City
- Added some additional sweet speech sounds
- Added controls hints, which display useful controls in the bottom right corner (and can be disabled in the hints options)
- Added the ability to tinker with objects to increase repair skill
- Added the foodie personality
- Added the ability to "add a little something" to food with cooking level 8 or higher
- Added the ability to create and share custom maps with the community (this is not documented yet, however)
- Added the ability for children to run around for fun
- Added the ability to add a second binding for each keybind
- Added the ability to clear the notification history
- Hide the mouse cursor after five seconds of movement inactivity
- Reduced the tooltip delay from half a second to a quarter of a second
- Made grass tiles have visual variations
- Moved portraits down to avoid them being hidden by the emotion name
- Improved the way wall-hanging objects are rendered, causing them to look wrong less often
- Show the amount of items in the household storage on the icon
- Added particles for grilling, being stinky, chimneys, and breaking things in build mode
- Added an option to allow or disallow loading mods (which is disabled by default)
- Added a tooltip displaying who claimed a bed
- Made stunned emotion go away when showering rather than sleeping
- Added a deselect button to the move tool
- Display a link to the game's roadmap in the main menu
- Added a protective wear clothes intention that gets used when driving on an e-scooter for kids
- Fixed a crash with regular visitors if there are broken exported households
- Fixed debug food items crashing the game
- Fixed children being able to do lot employments
- Fixed the game crashing when the OS doesn't allow opening folders in the explorer
- Fixed large benches occluding walls
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occured when deleting the last tiny in the character creator
- Fixed people trying to sleep in beds that other people had claimed
- Fixed some issues with Vortis' households and lots
- Fixed people holding paint brushes wrong in some rotations
- Fixed a rare crash when grabbing a serving from a nonexistent platter
- Fixed notifications forgetting their icons when quitting and reloading a save
- Converted a lot of enumerations to other types, allowing for custom values to be added
- Added the Children age group, which includes several new gameplay features, including new interactable furniture items, school, homework and the start of parenting interactions
- Added the Familiar Attire set with art by [Tector](https://www.instagram.com/tector_pixel/), which includes several new clothing items and accessories for children and adults
- Added multiple new furniture items, including three plants, two decorative objects, a smaller picnic table, a sandbox, a jigsaw puzzle, a stove for kids, and a toy box
- Added a top hat clothing item
- Added two new personality types: Family-Focused and Hates Children
- Added the Woodlands Set with art by [faellynna](https://www.instagram.com/faellynna/), which includes a Woodworking skill and a large variety of new build mode items:
- 34 new furniture items, including the woodworking table and new types of decorative items
- 4 flooring tiles
- 5 wallpapers
- 2 roof styles
- 8 character creator items
- Added a large new forested area with dirt footpaths to the eastern part of town, along with some new houses and empty lots
- Added emotion sting sound effects by the lovely [Jamal Green](https://jamalgreenmusic.com)
- Added a regular visitors system that allows for people from exported households to visit and interact with the town without living there
- Added a few households that are exported by default to populate the visitors system
- Added the ability for furniture to get dirty and having to be cleaned
- Added an "Invite into Household" interaction
- Added a way to scrap other people's crafts on public lots
- Added italian translation ([SchiavoAnto](https://twitter.com/schiavoanto))
- Improved the chatting interaction on the computer, now allowing people to chat with specific people
- Added more in-game hints for various build mode tools
- Added a configurable keybind for increasing and decreasing game speed
- Cleaned up the localization of money and always display money amounts with decimals
- Allow easily deleting items in the move tool by pressing the Del key when hovering over them
- Split the Import menu into custom and default content and improved the household import menu
- Move invalidly placed objects into the furniture storage instead of selling them
- Made people leave the room on their own if they see someone being inappropriate
- Rebalanced bills slightly
- Made people tell others to leave the room when they start fooling around
- Disallow trees from being placed below roofs
- Made trees have a minimum distance from walls
- More gracefully handle Steam cloud sync exceptions
- Color lots on the map based on whether people live there
- Added the ability to clone roofing, openings, wallpapers and tiles in build mode
- Fixed paintings being placed on easels incorrectly at fast game speeds
- Fixed a crash when hovering over people with lot employments whose personality is known
- Fixed 3D sounds breaking on camera rotation
- Fixed depth calculations being incorrect for larger and oddly-shaped objects
- Fixed the ability to hack yourself
- Fixed roofing having incorrect display names
- Fixed a crash when exiting the move tool with an item from storage selected
- Fixed hidden (out of town) people still spawning particles and emotes
- Fixed the ability to ask lot employment people to leave not working
- Fixed furniture with parents sometimes not being imported correctly
- Fixed people turning around visually for a single frame when starting social actions while sitting
- Fixed roofs having incorrect depth calculations in some camera rotations
- Fixed people not leaving occasionally when being asked to leave
- Fixed money not being subtracted when importing new households
- Fixed practice speech and jokes actions going on forever if done automatically
This is a small update that features several accessibility features based on information gathered in the [Tiny Life Roadmap Survey](https://ell.lt/tinysurvey). If you haven't taken part in the survey yet, you can still do so now!
- Added lot rotation to the Move Lot tool
- Added an in-game hints system, which can be disabled in the options for more experienced players
- Added a chance for angry people to autonomously do mean actions
- Added a Controls section to the options
- Added an X button to menus to make it clear that you can close them
- Added an error handler for when actions break, causing them to display a notification instead of crashing the game
- Added a way to delete the held object in build mode (by pressing the delete key)
- Improved the saves menu by adding rename and delete buttons
- Improved visual feedback on the household selection ui
- Improved the way furniture looks when not placeable
- Increased the size of notification text
- Fixed relationship changes being displayed for both people involved
- Fixed the top right corner of the screen not allowing for in-world interactions
- Added the Fitness Set, with art by [Tector](https://www.instagram.com/tector_pixel/), which includes a fitness skill and several new furniture and clothing items:
- Five new hairstyles
- One new pair of pants and shoes
- Three new tops
- 11 new furniture items, including a treadmill, a standing desk, a protein shaker and some decorative items
- Added aromance and asexuality, both of which can be set in the character creator
- Added two additional windows and one additional door
- Added an outfit system that allows you to create multiple outfits for a person and switch between them anywhere
- Made social actions less likely to be executed by the AI if they've been done recently
- Made people mop more puddles after mopping a puddle automatically
- Made people more likely to do the dishes, so that they actually do the dishes
- Fixed a few memory leaks that caused more RAM to be used the more saves were loaded/exited in one session
- Improved map rendering performance
- Fixed some visual inconsistencies with the in-game ui
- Fixed held items being on a lower layer, causing them to look incorrect
- Fixed negative social actions taking away from relationships too little
- Fixed the ability to place ground objects on other ground objects
- Fixed the position of the coffee table being slightly off in one rotation
- Fixed covered tiles not being included in a lot's covered area
- Fixed people going to weird locations when visiting non-residential lots
- Added an option that causes people in unplayed households to do skill building activities automatically (if their personality or existing skills allow it)
- Added a confirmation prompt for quitting your job
- Rebalanced some actions and skills, especially in respect to skill building speed
- Made people clean more dishes automatically after cleaning a dish
- Updated the descriptions of all personality types
- Updated the map (when creating a new save file) to give every household jobs by default