start of update
This commit is contained in:
38 changed files with 2001 additions and 3398 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"version": 1,
"isRoot": true,
"tools": {
"dotnet-mgcb": {
"version": "",
"commands": [
"dotnet-mgcb-editor": {
"version": "",
"commands": [
"dotnet-mgcb-editor-linux": {
"version": "",
"commands": [
"dotnet-mgcb-editor-windows": {
"version": "",
"commands": [
"dotnet-mgcb-editor-mac": {
"version": "",
"commands": [
@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Content.PM;
using Android.Gms.Common;
using Android.Gms.Games;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using GameAnalyticsSDK;
using Java.Lang;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using MLEM.Extensions;
using MLEM.Misc;
using TouchyTickets;
using static Android.Views.SystemUiFlags;
using static Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
using static Android.Views.ViewGroup;
using Uri = Android.Net.Uri;
namespace Android {
Label = "@string/app_name",
MainLauncher = true,
Icon = "@drawable/icon",
AlwaysRetainTaskState = true,
LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleInstance,
ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.UserPortrait,
ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.Keyboard | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden | ConfigChanges.ScreenSize
public class Activity1 : AndroidGameActivity {
namespace Android;
private GameImpl game;
private AndroidPlatform platform;
private LinearLayout mainView;
Label = "@string/app_name",
MainLauncher = true,
Icon = "@drawable/icon",
AlwaysRetainTaskState = true,
LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleInstance,
ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.UserPortrait,
ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.Keyboard | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden | ConfigChanges.ScreenSize
public class Activity1 : AndroidGameActivity {
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) {
private GameImpl game;
private AndroidPlatform platform;
private LinearLayout mainView;
// ad layout
var adLayout = new LinearLayout(this) {Orientation = Orientation.Vertical};
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) {
// set up the game
MlemPlatform.Current = new MlemPlatform.Mobile(KeyboardInput.Show, l => this.StartActivity(new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Uri.Parse(l))));
this.platform = new AndroidPlatform(this, adLayout);
|||| = new GameImpl(this.platform);
|||| = true;
|||| += game => game.InputHandler.HandleMouse = false;
// ad layout
var adLayout = new LinearLayout(this) {Orientation = Orientation.Vertical};
var gameView = as View;
gameView.LayoutChange += (o, args) => {
// force the game size to update when the ad size changes
|||| = args.Right - args.Left;
|||| = args.Bottom - args.Top;
// set up the game
MlemPlatform.Current = new MlemPlatform.Mobile(KeyboardInput.Show, l => this.StartActivity(new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Uri.Parse(l))));
this.platform = new AndroidPlatform(this, adLayout);
|||| = new GameImpl(this.platform);
|||| = true;
|||| += game => game.InputHandler.HandleMouse = false;
// don't render under notches
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.P)
this.Window.Attributes.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode = LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode.Never;
var gameView = as View;
gameView.LayoutChange += (_, args) => {
// force the game size to update when the ad size changes
|||| = args.Right - args.Left;
|||| = args.Bottom - args.Top;
// total layout that is displayed
this.mainView = new LinearLayout(this) {Orientation = Orientation.Vertical};
this.mainView.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MatchParent, MatchParent);
// height of 0 but high weight causes this element so scale based on the ad's height
gameView.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MatchParent, 0, 1);
adLayout.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(MatchParent, WrapContent);
// don't render under notches
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.P)
this.Window.Attributes.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode = LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode.Never;
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result result, Intent data) {
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, result, data);
// Connect again after logging in to Google Play game services, but only if we haven't tried yet
try {
if (requestCode == AndroidPlatform.GooglePlayLoginRequest && (int) result != GamesActivityResultCodes.ResultSignInFailed)
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "OnActivityResult " + e);
public override void OnWindowFocusChanged(bool hasFocus) {
// hide the status bar
if (hasFocus)
this.Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility) (ImmersiveSticky | LayoutStable | LayoutHideNavigation | LayoutFullscreen | HideNavigation | Fullscreen);
// total layout that is displayed
this.mainView = new LinearLayout(this) {Orientation = Orientation.Vertical};
this.mainView.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.MatchParent);
// height of 0 but high weight causes this element so scale based on the ad's height
gameView.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, 0, 1);
adLayout.LayoutParameters = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent);
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result result, Intent data) {
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, result, data);
// Connect again after logging in to Google Play game services, but only if we haven't tried yet
try {
if (requestCode == AndroidPlatform.GooglePlayLoginRequest && (int) result != GamesActivityResultCodes.ResultSignInFailed)
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "OnActivityResult " + e);
public override void OnWindowFocusChanged(bool hasFocus) {
#pragma warning disable CS0618
// hide the status bar
if (hasFocus)
this.Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility) (SystemUiFlags.ImmersiveSticky | SystemUiFlags.LayoutStable | SystemUiFlags.LayoutHideNavigation | SystemUiFlags.LayoutFullscreen | SystemUiFlags.HideNavigation | SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen);
#pragma warning restore CS0618
@ -1,94 +1,31 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<MandroidI18n />
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Reference Include="Mono.Android" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\TouchyTickets.csproj"/>
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Content.Builder.Task" Version=""/>
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.Android" Version=""/>
<PackageReference Include="Contentless" Version="3.0.7"/>
<PackageReference Include="GameAnalytics.Xamarin.SDK" Version="5.2.5"/>
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Games" Version=""/>
<Compile Include="Activity1.cs" />
<Compile Include="AndroidPlatform.cs" />
<Compile Include="Resources\Resource.Designer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<MonoGameContentReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\Content.mgcb"/>
<None Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\*\**">
<AndroidResource Include="Resources\Drawable\Icon.png" />
<AndroidResource Include="Resources\Values\Strings.xml" />
<None Include="Properties\AndroidManifest.xml" />
<None Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\*\**" />
<MonoGameContentReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\Content.mgcb">
<PackageReference Include="Contentless" Version="3.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="GameAnalytics.Xamarin.SDK" Version="5.2.3" />
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Content.Builder" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.Android" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Games" Version="" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\TouchyTickets.csproj">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets" />
<Target Name="RestoreDotnetTools" BeforeTargets="Restore">
<Message Text="Restoring dotnet tools" Importance="High"/>
<Exec Command="dotnet tool restore"/>
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="de.ellpeck.touchytickets" android:installLocation="auto"
android:versionCode="121" android:versionName="1.2.1">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="28"/>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="de.ellpeck.touchytickets"
android:installLocation="auto" android:versionCode="121" android:versionName="1.2.1">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="31"/>
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true"/>
<application android:label="Touchy Tickets" android:resizeableActivity="true">
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="\u003169609944700" />
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="\u003169609944700"/>
<permission android:name="ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<permission android:name="INTERNET"/>
@ -1,149 +1,145 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Gms.Common;
using Android.Gms.Common.Apis;
using Android.Gms.Extensions;
using Android.Gms.Games;
using Android.Gms.Games.Achievement;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Coroutine;
using GameAnalyticsSDK;
using GameAnalyticsSDK.Utilities;
using Java.Lang;
using TouchyTickets;
using Achievement = TouchyTickets.Achievement;
using Uri = Android.Net.Uri;
namespace Android {
public class AndroidPlatform : Platform {
namespace Android;
public const int GooglePlayLoginRequest = 9001;
public const int ShowAchievementsRequest = 9002;
public class AndroidPlatform : Platform {
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> AchievementIds = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"1Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQAw"},
{"10Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBA"},
{"100Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBQ"},
{"FullMap", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBg"},
{"OnlySmallRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBw"},
{"OnlyRelaxedRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCA"},
{"OnlyWalkingRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCQ"},
{"OnlyNonTechnologyRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCg"},
{"100Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCw"},
{"500Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDA"},
{"1000Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDQ"},
{"5000Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDg"},
{"1ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDw"},
{"2ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEA"},
{"3ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEQ"},
{"4ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEg"},
{"5ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEw"},
{"6ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFA"},
{"7ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFQ"},
{"8ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFg"},
{"9ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFw"},
{"10ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQGA"}
public const int GooglePlayLoginRequest = 9001;
public const int ShowAchievementsRequest = 9002;
private readonly Activity activity;
private readonly LinearLayout adLayout;
public GoogleApiClient GoogleApi { get; private set; }
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> AchievementIds = new() {
{"1Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQAw"},
{"10Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBA"},
{"100Stars", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBQ"},
{"FullMap", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBg"},
{"OnlySmallRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQBw"},
{"OnlyRelaxedRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCA"},
{"OnlyWalkingRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCQ"},
{"OnlyNonTechnologyRides", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCg"},
{"100Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQCw"},
{"500Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDA"},
{"1000Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDQ"},
{"5000Modifiers", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDg"},
{"1ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQDw"},
{"2ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEA"},
{"3ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEQ"},
{"4ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEg"},
{"5ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQEw"},
{"6ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFA"},
{"7ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFQ"},
{"8ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFg"},
{"9ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQFw"},
{"10ExpTickets", "CgkI_Lyp7PcEEAIQGA"}
public AndroidPlatform(Activity activity, LinearLayout adLayout) {
this.activity = activity;
this.adLayout = adLayout;
public override void SetupOnlineInteractions(Dictionary<string, object> analyticsJson) {
// Analytics
GameAnalytics.Initialize(this.activity, GA_MiniJSON.Serialize(new Hashtable(analyticsJson)));
AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser += (o, args) => GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Critical, args.Exception.ToString());
// TODO fix ads
// Ads
/*try {
var ad = new AdView(this.activity) {
AdUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5754829579653773/7841535920",
AdSize = AdSize.SmartBanner
ad.LoadAd(new AdRequest.Builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "Ads " + e);
// TODO fix google play game services
/*// Google Play game services
try {
this.GoogleApi = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this.activity)
.AddOnConnectionFailedListener(res => {
if (res.HasResolution) {
res.StartResolutionForResult(this.activity, GooglePlayLoginRequest);
} else {
throw new GoogleApiClientConnectionException(res);
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "GoogleApiClient " + e);
// Sanity check to ensure that all achievements are mapped
foreach (var achievement in Achievement.Achievements.Values) {
var _ = AchievementIds[achievement.Name];
public override void AddResourceEvent(bool sink, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId) {
GameAnalytics.NewResourceEvent(sink ? GAResourceFlowType.Sink : GAResourceFlowType.Source, currency, amount, itemType, itemId);
public override void SetKeepScreenOn(bool keep) {
if (keep) {
} else {
public override void OpenRateLink() {
this.activity.StartActivity(new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Uri.Parse("")));
public override bool GainAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
try {
if (this.GoogleApi != null && this.GoogleApi.IsConnected) {
GamesClass.Achievements.Unlock(this.GoogleApi, AchievementIds[achievement.Name]);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "GainAchievement " + e);
return false;
public override void ShowAchievements() {
try {
if (this.GoogleApi == null || !this.GoogleApi.IsConnected)
var intent = GamesClass.Achievements.GetAchievementsIntent(this.GoogleApi);
this.activity.StartActivityForResult(intent, ShowAchievementsRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "ShowAchievements " + e);
private readonly Activity activity;
private readonly LinearLayout adLayout;
public GoogleApiClient GoogleApi { get; private set; }
public AndroidPlatform(Activity activity, LinearLayout adLayout) {
this.activity = activity;
this.adLayout = adLayout;
public override void SetupOnlineInteractions(Dictionary<string, object> analyticsJson) {
// Analytics
GameAnalytics.Initialize(this.activity, GA_MiniJSON.Serialize(new Hashtable(analyticsJson)));
AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser += (_, args) => GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Critical, args.Exception.ToString());
// TODO fix ads
// Ads
/*try {
var ad = new AdView(this.activity) {
AdUnitId = "ca-app-pub-5754829579653773/7841535920",
AdSize = AdSize.SmartBanner
ad.LoadAd(new AdRequest.Builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "Ads " + e);
// TODO fix google play game services
/*// Google Play game services
try {
this.GoogleApi = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this.activity)
.AddOnConnectionFailedListener(res => {
if (res.HasResolution) {
res.StartResolutionForResult(this.activity, GooglePlayLoginRequest);
} else {
throw new GoogleApiClientConnectionException(res);
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "GoogleApiClient " + e);
// Sanity check to ensure that all achievements are mapped
foreach (var achievement in Achievement.Achievements.Values) {
var _ = AndroidPlatform.AchievementIds[achievement.Name];
public override void AddResourceEvent(bool sink, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId) {
GameAnalytics.NewResourceEvent(sink ? GAResourceFlowType.Sink : GAResourceFlowType.Source, currency, amount, itemType, itemId);
public override void SetKeepScreenOn(bool keep) {
if (keep) {
} else {
public override void OpenRateLink() {
this.activity.StartActivity(new Intent(Intent.ActionView, Uri.Parse("")));
public override bool GainAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
try {
if (this.GoogleApi != null && this.GoogleApi.IsConnected) {
GamesClass.Achievements.Unlock(this.GoogleApi, AndroidPlatform.AchievementIds[achievement.Name]);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "GainAchievement " + e);
return false;
public override void ShowAchievements() {
try {
if (this.GoogleApi == null || !this.GoogleApi.IsConnected)
var intent = GamesClass.Achievements.GetAchievementsIntent(this.GoogleApi);
this.activity.StartActivityForResult(intent, AndroidPlatform.ShowAchievementsRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
GameAnalytics.NewErrorEvent(GAErrorSeverity.Error, "ShowAchievements " + e);
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Android.App;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Touchy Tickets")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Touchy Tickets")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2020")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">Touchy Tickets</string>
<string name="app_name">Touchy Tickets</string>
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "TouchyTickets", "TouchyTick
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Android", "Android\Android.csproj", "{410C0262-131C-4D0E-910D-D01B4F7143E0}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "iOS", "iOS\iOS.csproj", "{CA7AB65C-57DE-412C-AF42-E7E6EDDF2D5F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -20,9 +18,5 @@ Global
{410C0262-131C-4D0E-910D-D01B4F7143E0}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{410C0262-131C-4D0E-910D-D01B4F7143E0}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{410C0262-131C-4D0E-910D-D01B4F7143E0}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{CA7AB65C-57DE-412C-AF42-E7E6EDDF2D5F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
{CA7AB65C-57DE-412C-AF42-E7E6EDDF2D5F}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|iPhoneSimulator
{CA7AB65C-57DE-412C-AF42-E7E6EDDF2D5F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|iPhoneSimulator
{CA7AB65C-57DE-412C-AF42-E7E6EDDF2D5F}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|iPhoneSimulator
@ -5,56 +5,56 @@ using System.Numerics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class Achievement {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Achievement> Achievements = new Dictionary<string, Achievement>();
public class Achievement {
static Achievement() {
foreach (var amount in new[] {1, 10, 100})
Register(new Achievement($"{amount}Stars", g => g.Stars >= amount));
Register(new Achievement("FullMap", g => {
for (var x = 0; x < g.Map.Width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < g.Map.Height; y++) {
if (g.Map.GetAttractionAt(new Point(x, y)) == null)
return false;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Achievement> Achievements = new();
static Achievement() {
foreach (var amount in new[] {1, 10, 100})
Achievement.Register(new Achievement($"{amount}Stars", g => g.Stars >= amount));
Achievement.Register(new Achievement("FullMap", g => {
for (var x = 0; x < g.Map.Width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < g.Map.Height; y++) {
if (g.Map.GetAttractionAt(new Point(x, y)) == null)
return false;
return true;
foreach (var flag in new[] {AttractionFlags.Small, AttractionFlags.Relaxed, AttractionFlags.Walking, AttractionFlags.NonTechnology})
Register(new Achievement($"Only{flag}Rides", g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) >= 100 && g.Map.GetAttractions().All(a => a.Item2.Type.Flags.HasFlag(flag))));
foreach (var amount in new[] {100, 500, 1000, 5000})
Register(new Achievement($"{amount}Modifiers", g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) > 0 && g.Map.GetAttractions().All(a => a.Item2.GetModifierAmount(null) >= amount)));
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
var amount = BigInteger.Pow(1000, i + 1);
Register(new Achievement($"{i}ExpTickets", g => g.Tickets >= amount));
return true;
foreach (var flag in new[] {AttractionFlags.Small, AttractionFlags.Relaxed, AttractionFlags.Walking, AttractionFlags.NonTechnology})
Achievement.Register(new Achievement($"Only{flag}Rides", g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) >= 100 && g.Map.GetAttractions().All(a => a.Item2.Type.Flags.HasFlag(flag))));
foreach (var amount in new[] {100, 500, 1000, 5000})
Achievement.Register(new Achievement($"{amount}Modifiers", g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) > 0 && g.Map.GetAttractions().All(a => a.Item2.GetModifierAmount(null) >= amount)));
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
var amount = BigInteger.Pow(1000, i + 1);
Achievement.Register(new Achievement($"{i}ExpTickets", g => g.Tickets >= amount));
public readonly string Name;
private readonly Func<GameImpl, bool> condition;
// this value doesn't save between game runs, since achievements
// are only displayed inside of the respective stores anyway
private bool unlocked;
public Achievement(string name, Func<GameImpl, bool> condition) {
this.Name = name;
this.condition = condition;
public void Update() {
if (this.unlocked)
if (!this.condition.Invoke(GameImpl.Instance))
if (GameImpl.Instance.Platform.GainAchievement(this))
this.unlocked = true;
public static void Register(Achievement achievement) {
Achievements.Add(achievement.Name, achievement);
public readonly string Name;
private readonly Func<GameImpl, bool> condition;
// this value doesn't save between game runs, since achievements
// are only displayed inside of the respective stores anyway
private bool unlocked;
public Achievement(string name, Func<GameImpl, bool> condition) {
this.Name = name;
this.condition = condition;
public void Update() {
if (this.unlocked)
if (!this.condition.Invoke(GameImpl.Instance))
if (GameImpl.Instance.Platform.GainAchievement(this))
this.unlocked = true;
public static void Register(Achievement achievement) {
Achievement.Achievements.Add(achievement.Name, achievement);
@ -5,34 +5,34 @@ using MLEM.Font;
using MLEM.Startup;
using MLEM.Textures;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public static class Assets {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static UniformTextureAtlas TilesTexture { get; private set; }
public static UniformTextureAtlas AttractionTexture { get; private set; }
public static UniformTextureAtlas UiTexture { get; private set; }
public static class Assets {
public static SoundEffect ClickSound { get; private set; }
public static SoundEffect PlaceSound { get; private set; }
public static SoundEffect BuySound { get; private set; }
public static UniformTextureAtlas TilesTexture { get; private set; }
public static UniformTextureAtlas AttractionTexture { get; private set; }
public static UniformTextureAtlas UiTexture { get; private set; }
public static Vector2 TileSize { get; private set; }
public static GenericFont Font { get; private set; }
public static GenericFont MonospacedFont { get; private set; }
public static SoundEffect ClickSound { get; private set; }
public static SoundEffect PlaceSound { get; private set; }
public static SoundEffect BuySound { get; private set; }
public static void Load() {
TilesTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Tiles"), 16, 16);
AttractionTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Attractions"), 16, 16);
UiTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Ui"), 16, 16);
public static Vector2 TileSize { get; private set; }
public static GenericFont Font { get; private set; }
public static GenericFont MonospacedFont { get; private set; }
ClickSound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Click");
PlaceSound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Place");
BuySound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/StarBuy");
public static void Load() {
Assets.TilesTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Tiles"), 16, 16);
Assets.AttractionTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Attractions"), 16, 16);
Assets.UiTexture = new UniformTextureAtlas(MlemGame.LoadContent<Texture2D>("Textures/Ui"), 16, 16);
TileSize = new Vector2(AttractionTexture.RegionWidth, AttractionTexture.RegionHeight);
Font = new GenericSpriteFont(MlemGame.LoadContent<SpriteFont>("Fonts/" + Localization.Get("Font")));
MonospacedFont = new GenericSpriteFont(MlemGame.LoadContent<SpriteFont>("Fonts/Monospaced"));
Assets.ClickSound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Click");
Assets.PlaceSound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Place");
Assets.BuySound = MlemGame.LoadContent<SoundEffect>("Sounds/StarBuy");
Assets.TileSize = new Vector2(Assets.AttractionTexture.RegionWidth, Assets.AttractionTexture.RegionHeight);
Assets.Font = new GenericSpriteFont(MlemGame.LoadContent<SpriteFont>("Fonts/" + Localization.Get("Font")));
Assets.MonospacedFont = new GenericSpriteFont(MlemGame.LoadContent<SpriteFont>("Fonts/Monospaced"));
@ -5,107 +5,104 @@ using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using MLEM.Extensions;
using MLEM.Misc;
using MLEM.Startup;
using MLEM.Textures;
using TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionFlags;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionType;
using Vector2 = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2;
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions {
public class Attraction {
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions;
public readonly List<ActiveModifier> Modifiers = new List<ActiveModifier>();
public readonly AttractionType Type;
private double ticketPercentage;
private float animationSizeModifier;
public class Attraction {
public Attraction(AttractionType type) {
this.Type = type;
public double Update(TimeSpan passed, ParkMap map, Point position) {
var genRate = this.GetGenerationRate(map, position);
// apply generation rate to ticket amount
this.ticketPercentage += genRate * passed.TotalSeconds;
var total = (BigInteger) this.ticketPercentage;
if (total > 0) {
GameImpl.Instance.Tickets += total;
this.ticketPercentage -= (double) total;
// animation stuff
if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0)
this.animationSizeModifier = Math.Max(this.animationSizeModifier - 0.2F, 0);
// return the generation rate per second
return genRate;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 position, float alpha, float scale) {
var drawScale = scale;
if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0)
drawScale += (float) Math.Sin(this.animationSizeModifier) * 0.05F;
var tex = Assets.AttractionTexture[this.Type.TextureRegion];
var center = tex.Size.ToVector2() / 2;
batch.Draw(tex, position + center * scale, Color.White * alpha, 0, center, drawScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
public double GetGenerationRate(ParkMap map, Point position) {
var genRate = this.Type.GetGenerationRate();
// apply attraction modifiers
var mod = 1D;
foreach (var modifier in this.Modifiers)
mod += Math.Pow(modifier.Modifier.Multiplier, modifier.Amount) - 1;
genRate *= mod;
// apply star upgrades
foreach (var upgrade in Upgrade.Upgrades.Values.OfType<NeighborModifierUpgrade>())
genRate *= upgrade.GetCurrentMultiplier(this, map, position);
return genRate;
public void ApplyModifier(AttractionModifier modifier) {
// increase the amount of existing modifiers
foreach (var mod in this.Modifiers) {
if (mod.Modifier == modifier) {
// or add a new modifier
this.Modifiers.Add(new ActiveModifier(modifier, 1));
public int GetModifierAmount(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.Modifiers.Where(m => modifier == null || m.Modifier == modifier).Sum(m => m.Amount);
public BigInteger GetModifierPrice(AttractionModifier modifier) {
var amount = this.GetModifierAmount(modifier);
return (BigInteger) Math.Ceiling(modifier.InitialPrice * Math.Pow(1 + 0.45F, amount));
public void Wobble() {
this.animationSizeModifier = MathHelper.Pi;
public IEnumerable<Attraction> GetSurrounding(ParkMap map, Point position, AttractionType type) {
foreach (var tile in this.Type.GetCoveredTiles()) {
foreach (var dir in Direction2Helper.Adjacent) {
var other = map.GetAttractionAt(position + tile + dir.Offset());
if (other != null && other != this && other.Type == type)
yield return other;
public readonly List<ActiveModifier> Modifiers = new();
public readonly AttractionType Type;
private double ticketPercentage;
private float animationSizeModifier;
public Attraction(AttractionType type) {
this.Type = type;
public double Update(TimeSpan passed, ParkMap map, Point position) {
var genRate = this.GetGenerationRate(map, position);
// apply generation rate to ticket amount
this.ticketPercentage += genRate * passed.TotalSeconds;
var total = (BigInteger) this.ticketPercentage;
if (total > 0) {
GameImpl.Instance.Tickets += total;
this.ticketPercentage -= (double) total;
// animation stuff
if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0)
this.animationSizeModifier = Math.Max(this.animationSizeModifier - 0.2F, 0);
// return the generation rate per second
return genRate;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 position, float alpha, float scale) {
var drawScale = scale;
if (this.animationSizeModifier > 0)
drawScale += (float) Math.Sin(this.animationSizeModifier) * 0.05F;
var tex = Assets.AttractionTexture[this.Type.TextureRegion];
var center = tex.Size.ToVector2() / 2;
batch.Draw(tex, position + center * scale, Color.White * alpha, 0, center, drawScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
public double GetGenerationRate(ParkMap map, Point position) {
var genRate = this.Type.GetGenerationRate();
// apply attraction modifiers
var mod = 1D;
foreach (var modifier in this.Modifiers)
mod += Math.Pow(modifier.Modifier.Multiplier, modifier.Amount) - 1;
genRate *= mod;
// apply star upgrades
foreach (var upgrade in Upgrade.Upgrades.Values.OfType<NeighborModifierUpgrade>())
genRate *= upgrade.GetCurrentMultiplier(this, map, position);
return genRate;
public void ApplyModifier(AttractionModifier modifier) {
// increase the amount of existing modifiers
foreach (var mod in this.Modifiers) {
if (mod.Modifier == modifier) {
// or add a new modifier
this.Modifiers.Add(new ActiveModifier(modifier, 1));
public int GetModifierAmount(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.Modifiers.Where(m => modifier == null || m.Modifier == modifier).Sum(m => m.Amount);
public BigInteger GetModifierPrice(AttractionModifier modifier) {
var amount = this.GetModifierAmount(modifier);
return (BigInteger) Math.Ceiling(modifier.InitialPrice * Math.Pow(1 + 0.45F, amount));
public void Wobble() {
this.animationSizeModifier = MathHelper.Pi;
public IEnumerable<Attraction> GetSurrounding(ParkMap map, Point position, AttractionType type) {
foreach (var tile in this.Type.GetCoveredTiles()) {
foreach (var dir in Direction2Helper.Adjacent) {
var other = map.GetAttractionAt(position + tile + dir.Offset());
if (other != null && other != this && other.Type == type)
yield return other;
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
using System;
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions {
public enum AttractionFlags {
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions;
// base flags
None = 0,
Relaxed = 1,
Cars = 2,
Walking = 4,
FastCars = 8,
NonTechnology = 16,
Small = 32,
All = ~0
public enum AttractionFlags {
// base flags
None = 0,
Relaxed = 1,
Cars = 2,
Walking = 4,
FastCars = 8,
NonTechnology = 16,
Small = 32,
All = ~0
@ -2,85 +2,84 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using MLEM.Textures;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionFlags;
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions {
public class AttractionModifier {
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, AttractionModifier> Modifiers = new Dictionary<string, AttractionModifier>();
public class AttractionModifier {
static AttractionModifier() {
Register(new AttractionModifier("Lubricant", 200, Cars | FastCars, 1.02F, new Point(0, 4)));
Register(new AttractionModifier("LouderMusic", 500, Relaxed, 1.03F, new Point(2, 4)));
Register(new AttractionModifier("SmallAds", 800, Small, 1.35F, new Point(5, 4)));
Register(new AttractionModifier("LongerQueue", 1000, All, 1.06F, new Point(1, 4)));
Register(new AttractionModifier("Bouncer", 1500, Walking, 1.2F, new Point(3, 4)));
Register(new AttractionModifier("OnRideCameras", 2500, FastCars, 1.1F, new Point(4, 4)));
public static readonly Dictionary<string, AttractionModifier> Modifiers = new();
static AttractionModifier() {
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("Lubricant", 200, AttractionFlags.Cars | AttractionFlags.FastCars, 1.02F, new Point(0, 4)));
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("LouderMusic", 500, AttractionFlags.Relaxed, 1.03F, new Point(2, 4)));
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("SmallAds", 800, AttractionFlags.Small, 1.35F, new Point(5, 4)));
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("LongerQueue", 1000, AttractionFlags.All, 1.06F, new Point(1, 4)));
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("Bouncer", 1500, AttractionFlags.Walking, 1.2F, new Point(3, 4)));
AttractionModifier.Register(new AttractionModifier("OnRideCameras", 2500, AttractionFlags.FastCars, 1.1F, new Point(4, 4)));
public readonly string Name;
public readonly long InitialPrice;
public readonly Point Texture;
public readonly float Multiplier;
private readonly AttractionFlags affectedFlags;
public AttractionModifier(string name, long initialPrice, AttractionFlags affectedFlags, float multiplier, Point texture) {
this.Name = name;
this.InitialPrice = initialPrice;
this.affectedFlags = affectedFlags;
this.Texture = texture;
this.Multiplier = multiplier;
public bool IsAffected(Attraction attraction) {
return (attraction.Type.Flags & this.affectedFlags) != 0;
public bool Buy(Attraction attraction) {
var price = attraction.GetModifierPrice(this);
if (GameImpl.Instance.Tickets < price)
return false;
GameImpl.Instance.Tickets -= price;
GameImpl.Instance.Platform.AddResourceEvent(true, "Tickets", (float) price, "Modifier", this.Name);
return true;
private static AttractionModifier Register(AttractionModifier type) {
AttractionModifier.Modifiers.Add(type.Name, type);
return type;
public class Converter : JsonConverter<AttractionModifier> {
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, AttractionModifier value, JsonSerializer serializer) {
if (value != null)
public readonly string Name;
public readonly long InitialPrice;
public readonly Point Texture;
public readonly float Multiplier;
private readonly AttractionFlags affectedFlags;
public AttractionModifier(string name, long initialPrice, AttractionFlags affectedFlags, float multiplier, Point texture) {
this.Name = name;
this.InitialPrice = initialPrice;
this.affectedFlags = affectedFlags;
this.Texture = texture;
this.Multiplier = multiplier;
public bool IsAffected(Attraction attraction) {
return (attraction.Type.Flags & this.affectedFlags) != 0;
public bool Buy(Attraction attraction) {
var price = attraction.GetModifierPrice(this);
if (GameImpl.Instance.Tickets < price)
return false;
GameImpl.Instance.Tickets -= price;
GameImpl.Instance.Platform.AddResourceEvent(true, "Tickets", (float) price, "Modifier", this.Name);
return true;
private static AttractionModifier Register(AttractionModifier type) {
Modifiers.Add(type.Name, type);
return type;
public class Converter : JsonConverter<AttractionModifier> {
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, AttractionModifier value, JsonSerializer serializer) {
if (value != null)
public override AttractionModifier ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, AttractionModifier existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) {
return reader.Value != null ? Modifiers[reader.Value.ToString()] : null;
public override AttractionModifier ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, AttractionModifier existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) {
return reader.Value != null ? AttractionModifier.Modifiers[reader.Value.ToString()] : null;
public class ActiveModifier {
public readonly AttractionModifier Modifier;
public int Amount;
public class ActiveModifier {
public ActiveModifier(AttractionModifier modifier, int amount) {
this.Modifier = modifier;
this.Amount = amount;
public readonly AttractionModifier Modifier;
public int Amount;
public ActiveModifier(AttractionModifier modifier, int amount) {
this.Modifier = modifier;
this.Amount = amount;
@ -2,98 +2,97 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using MLEM.Textures;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionFlags;
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions {
public class AttractionType {
namespace TouchyTickets.Attractions;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, AttractionType> Attractions = new Dictionary<string, AttractionType>();
public static readonly AttractionType Carousel = Register(new AttractionType("Carousel", RectArea(1, 1), new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), 0.5F, 50, Relaxed | Cars | Small));
public static readonly AttractionType MirrorHouse = Register(new AttractionType("MirrorHouse", RectArea(1, 1), new Rectangle(3, 0, 1, 1), 1, 150, Relaxed | Walking | NonTechnology | Small));
public static readonly AttractionType FoodCourt = Register(new AttractionType("FoodCourt", RectArea(2, 1), new Rectangle(1, 0, 2, 1), 2F, 300, None));
public static readonly AttractionType SpiralSlide = Register(new AttractionType("SpiralSlide", RectArea(1, 2), new Rectangle(5, 0, 1, 2), 4, 1200, Relaxed | Walking));
public static readonly AttractionType HedgeMaze = Register(new AttractionType("HedgeMaze", RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(3, 3, 2, 2), 8, 2500, Relaxed | Walking | NonTechnology));
public static readonly AttractionType FerrisWheel = Register(new AttractionType("FerrisWheel", RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 2), 12, 4000, Relaxed | Cars));
public static readonly AttractionType FreefallCoaster = Register(new AttractionType("FreefallCoaster", new[,] {{true, false, true}, {true, true, true}}, new Rectangle(6, 0, 3, 2), 24, 8000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType HauntedHouse = Register(new AttractionType("HauntedHouse", RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(3, 5, 2, 2), 30, 12000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType GoKarts = Register(new AttractionType("GoKarts", RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(5, 2, 2, 2), 50, 24000, Cars | Relaxed));
public static readonly AttractionType MiniGolf = Register(new AttractionType("MiniGolf", RectArea(2, 3), new Rectangle(9, 0, 2, 3), 75, 35000, Relaxed | Walking | NonTechnology));
public static readonly AttractionType WildMouse = Register(new AttractionType("WildMouse", RectArea(3, 2), new Rectangle(2, 1, 3, 2), 100, 60000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType LogFlume = Register(new AttractionType("LogFlume", new[,] {{true, true, false}, {true, true, true}}, new Rectangle(0, 3, 3, 2), 160, 90000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType HeartlineTwister = Register(new AttractionType("HeartlineTwister", RectArea(4, 2), new Rectangle(5, 4, 4, 2), 250, 150000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType WoodCoaster = Register(new AttractionType("WoodCoaster", RectArea(3, 3), new Rectangle(0, 5, 3, 3), 300, 215000, FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType SafariZone = Register(new AttractionType("SafariZone", RectArea(5, 3), new Rectangle(11, 0, 5, 3), 600, 750000, Relaxed | Walking | NonTechnology));
public class AttractionType {
public readonly string Name;
public readonly bool[,] Area;
public int Width => this.Area.GetLength(1);
public int Height => this.Area.GetLength(0);
public readonly Rectangle TextureRegion;
private readonly float generationPerSecond;
public readonly long InitialPrice;
public readonly AttractionFlags Flags;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, AttractionType> Attractions = new();
public static readonly AttractionType Carousel = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("Carousel", AttractionType.RectArea(1, 1), new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), 0.5F, 50, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Cars | AttractionFlags.Small));
public static readonly AttractionType MirrorHouse = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("MirrorHouse", AttractionType.RectArea(1, 1), new Rectangle(3, 0, 1, 1), 1, 150, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Walking | AttractionFlags.NonTechnology | AttractionFlags.Small));
public static readonly AttractionType FoodCourt = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("FoodCourt", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 1), new Rectangle(1, 0, 2, 1), 2F, 300, AttractionFlags.None));
public static readonly AttractionType SpiralSlide = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("SpiralSlide", AttractionType.RectArea(1, 2), new Rectangle(5, 0, 1, 2), 4, 1200, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Walking));
public static readonly AttractionType HedgeMaze = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("HedgeMaze", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(3, 3, 2, 2), 8, 2500, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Walking | AttractionFlags.NonTechnology));
public static readonly AttractionType FerrisWheel = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("FerrisWheel", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 2), 12, 4000, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Cars));
public static readonly AttractionType FreefallCoaster = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("FreefallCoaster", new[,] {{true, false, true}, {true, true, true}}, new Rectangle(6, 0, 3, 2), 24, 8000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType HauntedHouse = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("HauntedHouse", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(3, 5, 2, 2), 30, 12000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType GoKarts = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("GoKarts", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 2), new Rectangle(5, 2, 2, 2), 50, 24000, AttractionFlags.Cars | AttractionFlags.Relaxed));
public static readonly AttractionType MiniGolf = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("MiniGolf", AttractionType.RectArea(2, 3), new Rectangle(9, 0, 2, 3), 75, 35000, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Walking | AttractionFlags.NonTechnology));
public static readonly AttractionType WildMouse = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("WildMouse", AttractionType.RectArea(3, 2), new Rectangle(2, 1, 3, 2), 100, 60000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType LogFlume = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("LogFlume", new[,] {{true, true, false}, {true, true, true}}, new Rectangle(0, 3, 3, 2), 160, 90000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType HeartlineTwister = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("HeartlineTwister", AttractionType.RectArea(4, 2), new Rectangle(5, 4, 4, 2), 250, 150000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType WoodCoaster = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("WoodCoaster", AttractionType.RectArea(3, 3), new Rectangle(0, 5, 3, 3), 300, 215000, AttractionFlags.FastCars));
public static readonly AttractionType SafariZone = AttractionType.Register(new AttractionType("SafariZone", AttractionType.RectArea(5, 3), new Rectangle(11, 0, 5, 3), 600, 750000, AttractionFlags.Relaxed | AttractionFlags.Walking | AttractionFlags.NonTechnology));
public AttractionType(string name, bool[,] area, Rectangle textureRegion, float generationPerSecond, long initialPrice, AttractionFlags flags) {
this.Name = name;
this.Area = area;
this.TextureRegion = textureRegion;
this.generationPerSecond = generationPerSecond;
this.InitialPrice = initialPrice;
this.Flags = flags;
public readonly string Name;
public readonly bool[,] Area;
public int Width => this.Area.GetLength(1);
public int Height => this.Area.GetLength(0);
public readonly Rectangle TextureRegion;
private readonly float generationPerSecond;
public readonly long InitialPrice;
public readonly AttractionFlags Flags;
public Attraction Create() {
return new Attraction(this);
public AttractionType(string name, bool[,] area, Rectangle textureRegion, float generationPerSecond, long initialPrice, AttractionFlags flags) {
this.Name = name;
this.Area = area;
this.TextureRegion = textureRegion;
this.generationPerSecond = generationPerSecond;
this.InitialPrice = initialPrice;
this.Flags = flags;
public double GetGenerationRate() {
var genRate = this.generationPerSecond;
foreach (var upgrade in Upgrade.Upgrades.Values.OfType<ModifierUpgrade>())
genRate *= upgrade.GetCurrentMultiplier(this);
return genRate;
public Attraction Create() {
return new Attraction(this);
public IEnumerable<Point> GetCoveredTiles() {
for (var x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) {
if (this.Area[y, x])
yield return new Point(x, y);
public double GetGenerationRate() {
var genRate = this.generationPerSecond;
foreach (var upgrade in Upgrade.Upgrades.Values.OfType<ModifierUpgrade>())
genRate *= upgrade.GetCurrentMultiplier(this);
return genRate;
public IEnumerable<Point> GetCoveredTiles() {
for (var x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) {
if (this.Area[y, x])
yield return new Point(x, y);
private static AttractionType Register(AttractionType type) {
Attractions.Add(type.Name, type);
return type;
private static AttractionType Register(AttractionType type) {
AttractionType.Attractions.Add(type.Name, type);
return type;
private static bool[,] RectArea(int width, int height) {
var ret = new bool[height, width];
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
ret[y, x] = true;
return ret;
public delegate Attraction Constructor(AttractionType type);
public class Converter : JsonConverter<AttractionType> {
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, AttractionType value, JsonSerializer serializer) {
if (value != null)
private static bool[,] RectArea(int width, int height) {
var ret = new bool[height, width];
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
ret[y, x] = true;
return ret;
public delegate Attraction Constructor(AttractionType type);
public class Converter : JsonConverter<AttractionType> {
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, AttractionType value, JsonSerializer serializer) {
if (value != null)
public override AttractionType ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, AttractionType existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) {
return reader.Value != null ? Attractions[reader.Value.ToString()] : null;
public override AttractionType ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, AttractionType existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) {
return reader.Value != null ? AttractionType.Attractions[reader.Value.ToString()] : null;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"exclude": [
"overrides": {
".json": {
"copy": true
"Sounds/": {
"processor": "SoundEffectProcessor"
"exclude": [
"overrides": {
".json": {
"copy": true
"Sounds/": {
"processor": "SoundEffectProcessor"
@ -7,141 +7,143 @@ using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using MLEM.Cameras;
using MLEM.Startup;
using TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
using Vector2 = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class GameImpl : MlemGame {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static GameImpl Instance { get; private set; }
public readonly ISet<Upgrade> AppliedUpgrades = new HashSet<Upgrade>();
public readonly Platform Platform;
public BigInteger Tickets;
public int TimesRestarted;
public int Stars;
public ParkMap Map;
public Tutorial Tutorial { get; private set; }
public Camera Camera { get; private set; }
public Ui Ui { get; private set; }
public bool DrawMap;
public DateTime LastUpdate;
public TimeSpan PlayTime;
private double saveCounter;
private double achievementCounter;
public class GameImpl : MlemGame {
public GameImpl(Platform platform) {
this.Platform = platform;
Instance = this;
protected override void LoadContent() {
// start the load sequence
private void LoadGame() {
// set up online stuff
var analytics = new Dictionary<string, object>();
analytics["InfoLog"] = true;
analytics["VerboseLog"] = true;
analytics["ResourceCurrencies"] = new[] {"Tickets", "Stars"};
analytics["ResourceItemTypes"] = new[] {"Attraction", "Restart", "Upgrade", "Modifier"};
// ios comes first, then android. For now they're the same
analytics["GameKey"] = new[] {"cc18de06eebbc5d5e987c384fcd28000", "cc18de06eebbc5d5e987c384fcd28000"};
analytics["SecretKey"] = new[] {"82ca1a930ee38e2383ffb02db7631e16033b511d", "82ca1a930ee38e2383ffb02db7631e16033b511d"};
this.Tutorial = new Tutorial();
if (!SaveHandler.Load(this))
this.Map = new ParkMap(20, 20);
// load other stuff
this.Ui = new Ui(this.UiSystem);
this.Camera = new Camera(this.GraphicsDevice) {
Scale = 4,
AutoScaleWithScreen = true,
AutoScaleReferenceSize = new Point(720, 1280),
MaxScale = 24,
MinScale = 2
// update the map once to make sure that catching up happens during loading
protected override void DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) {
if (this.Map != null) {
// update the map
// achievements
this.achievementCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (this.achievementCounter >= 5) {
this.achievementCounter = 0;
foreach (var achievement in Achievement.Achievements.Values)
// save every 3 seconds
this.saveCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (this.saveCounter >= 3) {
this.saveCounter = 0;
// play time stuff
var lastTime = this.PlayTime;
this.PlayTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
if (lastTime.TotalHours >= 1 != this.PlayTime.TotalHours >= 1)
protected override void DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) {
if (this.DrawMap) {
this.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, transformMatrix: this.Camera.ViewMatrix);
this.Map.Draw(gameTime, this.SpriteBatch, Vector2.Zero, 1, 1, true, this.Camera.GetVisibleRectangle());
public BigInteger GetStarPrice() {
return 1000000000 * BigInteger.Pow(100, this.TimesRestarted);
public int GetBuyableStars() {
return 3;
return (int) BigInteger.Min(3, this.Tickets / this.GetStarPrice());
private void UpdateMapOnce() {
var now = DateTime.Now;
if (this.LastUpdate != default) {
var lastTickets = this.Tickets;
var lastTps = this.Map.TicketsPerSecond;
var passed = now - this.LastUpdate;
this.Map.Update(passed, passed.TotalSeconds >= 1);
// if 10 or more seconds passed, we display a message
if (Options.Instance.WhileYouWereAwayMessage && passed.TotalSeconds >= 10)
Ui.DisplayWhileYouWereAway(passed, this.Tickets - lastTickets, this.Map.TicketsPerSecond - lastTps);
this.LastUpdate = now;
public static GameImpl Instance { get; private set; }
public readonly ISet<Upgrade> AppliedUpgrades = new HashSet<Upgrade>();
public readonly Platform Platform;
public BigInteger Tickets;
public int TimesRestarted;
public int Stars;
public ParkMap Map;
public Tutorial Tutorial { get; private set; }
public Camera Camera { get; private set; }
public Ui Ui { get; private set; }
public bool DrawMap;
public DateTime LastUpdate;
public TimeSpan PlayTime;
private double saveCounter;
private double achievementCounter;
public GameImpl(Platform platform) {
this.Platform = platform;
GameImpl.Instance = this;
protected override void LoadContent() {
// start the load sequence
private void LoadGame() {
// set up online stuff
var analytics = new Dictionary<string, object>();
analytics["InfoLog"] = true;
analytics["VerboseLog"] = true;
analytics["ResourceCurrencies"] = new[] {"Tickets", "Stars"};
analytics["ResourceItemTypes"] = new[] {"Attraction", "Restart", "Upgrade", "Modifier"};
// ios comes first, then android. For now they're the same
analytics["GameKey"] = new[] {"cc18de06eebbc5d5e987c384fcd28000", "cc18de06eebbc5d5e987c384fcd28000"};
analytics["SecretKey"] = new[] {"82ca1a930ee38e2383ffb02db7631e16033b511d", "82ca1a930ee38e2383ffb02db7631e16033b511d"};
this.Tutorial = new Tutorial();
if (!SaveHandler.Load(this))
this.Map = new ParkMap(20, 20);
// load other stuff
this.Ui = new Ui(this.UiSystem);
this.Camera = new Camera(this.GraphicsDevice) {
Scale = 4,
AutoScaleWithScreen = true,
AutoScaleReferenceSize = new Point(720, 1280),
MaxScale = 24,
MinScale = 2
// update the map once to make sure that catching up happens during loading
protected override void DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) {
if (this.Map != null) {
// update the map
// achievements
this.achievementCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (this.achievementCounter >= 5) {
this.achievementCounter = 0;
foreach (var achievement in Achievement.Achievements.Values)
// save every 3 seconds
this.saveCounter += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (this.saveCounter >= 3) {
this.saveCounter = 0;
// play time stuff
var lastTime = this.PlayTime;
this.PlayTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
if (lastTime.TotalHours >= 1 != this.PlayTime.TotalHours >= 1)
protected override void DoDraw(GameTime gameTime) {
if (this.DrawMap) {
this.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, transformMatrix: this.Camera.ViewMatrix);
this.Map.Draw(gameTime, this.SpriteBatch, Vector2.Zero, 1, 1, true, this.Camera.GetVisibleRectangle());
public BigInteger GetStarPrice() {
return 1000000000 * BigInteger.Pow(100, this.TimesRestarted);
public int GetBuyableStars() {
return 3;
return (int) BigInteger.Min(3, this.Tickets / this.GetStarPrice());
private void UpdateMapOnce() {
var now = DateTime.Now;
if (this.LastUpdate != default) {
var lastTickets = this.Tickets;
var lastTps = this.Map.TicketsPerSecond;
var passed = now - this.LastUpdate;
this.Map.Update(passed, passed.TotalSeconds >= 1);
// if 10 or more seconds passed, we display a message
if (Options.Instance.WhileYouWereAwayMessage && passed.TotalSeconds >= 10)
Ui.DisplayWhileYouWereAway(passed, this.Tickets - lastTickets, this.Map.TicketsPerSecond - lastTps);
this.LastUpdate = now;
@ -4,47 +4,46 @@ using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using MLEM.Startup;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public static class Localization {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static readonly List<string> NumberFormat = LoadLocalized<List<string>>("NumberFormat", "json5");
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> Strings = LoadLocalized<Dictionary<string, string>>("Localization");
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> FallbackStrings = Load<Dictionary<string, string>>("Localization");
private static readonly List<string> News = LoadLocalized<List<string>>("News");
private static readonly Random Random = new Random();
public static class Localization {
public static string Get(string key) {
if (Strings.TryGetValue(key, out var val))
return val;
if (FallbackStrings.TryGetValue(key, out var fallback))
return fallback;
return $"?{key}?";
public static string GetRandomNews() {
return News[Random.Next(News.Count)];
private static T LoadLocalized<T>(string name, string extension = "json") {
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
foreach (var path in new[] {$"{name}.{culture}", name}) {
try {
return Load<T>(path, extension);
} catch (Exception) {
// move on to the next path
throw new ContentLoadException();
private static T Load<T>(string name, string extension = "json") {
var path = $"{GameImpl.Instance.Content.RootDirectory}/Localization/{name}.{extension}";
using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(TitleContainer.OpenStream(path))))
return SaveHandler.Serializer.Deserialize<T>(reader);
public static readonly List<string> NumberFormat = Localization.LoadLocalized<List<string>>("NumberFormat", "json5");
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> Strings = Localization.LoadLocalized<Dictionary<string, string>>("Localization");
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> FallbackStrings = Localization.Load<Dictionary<string, string>>("Localization");
private static readonly List<string> News = Localization.LoadLocalized<List<string>>("News");
private static readonly Random Random = new();
public static string Get(string key) {
if (Localization.Strings.TryGetValue(key, out var val))
return val;
if (Localization.FallbackStrings.TryGetValue(key, out var fallback))
return fallback;
return $"?{key}?";
public static string GetRandomNews() {
return Localization.News[Localization.Random.Next(Localization.News.Count)];
private static T LoadLocalized<T>(string name, string extension = "json") {
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
foreach (var path in new[] {$"{name}.{culture}", name}) {
try {
return Localization.Load<T>(path, extension);
} catch (Exception) {
// move on to the next path
throw new ContentLoadException();
private static T Load<T>(string name, string extension = "json") {
var path = $"{GameImpl.Instance.Content.RootDirectory}/Localization/{name}.{extension}";
using var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(TitleContainer.OpenStream(path)));
return SaveHandler.Serializer.Deserialize<T>(reader);
@ -3,58 +3,58 @@ using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class Options {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static Options Instance { get; private set; }
public class Options {
public int RainingTicketLimit = 300;
public float SoundVolume {
get => this.soundVolume;
set {
this.soundVolume = value;
SoundEffect.MasterVolume = value;
public static Options Instance { get; private set; }
public int RainingTicketLimit = 300;
public float SoundVolume {
get => this.soundVolume;
set {
this.soundVolume = value;
SoundEffect.MasterVolume = value;
private float soundVolume = 1;
public bool WhileYouWereAwayMessage = true;
public bool KeepScreenOn {
get => this.keepScreenOn;
set {
this.keepScreenOn = value;
private bool keepScreenOn;
public bool AutoBuyEnabled = true;
public int MinTicketsForAutoBuy = 50000;
public static void Save() {
var file = GetOptionsFile(true);
using (var stream = new JsonTextWriter(file.CreateText()))
SaveHandler.Serializer.Serialize(stream, Instance);
public static void Load() {
var file = GetOptionsFile(false);
if (file.Exists) {
using (var stream = new JsonTextReader(file.OpenText()))
Instance = SaveHandler.Serializer.Deserialize<Options>(stream);
} else {
Instance = new Options();
private static FileInfo GetOptionsFile(bool create) {
return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(SaveHandler.GetGameDirectory(create).FullName, "Options"));
private float soundVolume = 1;
public bool WhileYouWereAwayMessage = true;
public bool KeepScreenOn {
get => this.keepScreenOn;
set {
this.keepScreenOn = value;
private bool keepScreenOn;
public bool AutoBuyEnabled = true;
public int MinTicketsForAutoBuy = 50000;
public static void Save() {
var file = Options.GetOptionsFile(true);
using var stream = new JsonTextWriter(file.CreateText());
SaveHandler.Serializer.Serialize(stream, Options.Instance);
public static void Load() {
var file = Options.GetOptionsFile(false);
if (file.Exists) {
using var stream = new JsonTextReader(file.OpenText());
Options.Instance = SaveHandler.Serializer.Deserialize<Options>(stream);
} else {
Options.Instance = new Options();
private static FileInfo GetOptionsFile(bool create) {
return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(SaveHandler.GetGameDirectory(create).FullName, "Options"));
@ -12,273 +12,273 @@ using MLEM.Textures;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
using TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class ParkMap {
namespace TouchyTickets;
private const int AdditionalRadius = 15;
private const int AutoBuyIntervalSecs = 30;
public class ParkMap {
public readonly int Width;
public readonly int Height;
private readonly List<(Point, Attraction)> attractions = new List<(Point, Attraction)>();
private readonly Dictionary<Point, int> treePositions = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
private readonly Dictionary<Point, int> fencePositions = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
private readonly Attraction[,] attractionGrid;
private const int AdditionalRadius = 15;
private const int AutoBuyIntervalSecs = 30;
public double TicketsPerSecond { get; private set; }
public Attraction PlacingAttraction;
public AttractionModifier PlacingModifier;
public Point PlacingPosition;
public Point? SelectedPosition;
private bool draggingAttraction;
private double autoBuyCounter;
public readonly int Width;
public readonly int Height;
private readonly List<(Point, Attraction)> attractions = new();
private readonly Dictionary<Point, int> treePositions = new();
private readonly Dictionary<Point, int> fencePositions = new();
private readonly Attraction[,] attractionGrid;
public ParkMap(int width, int height) {
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.attractionGrid = new Attraction[width, height];
public double TicketsPerSecond { get; private set; }
public Attraction PlacingAttraction;
public AttractionModifier PlacingModifier;
public Point PlacingPosition;
public Point? SelectedPosition;
private bool draggingAttraction;
private double autoBuyCounter;
// set up trees
var random = new Random();
for (var x = -AdditionalRadius; x < this.Width + AdditionalRadius; x++) {
for (var y = -AdditionalRadius; y < this.Height + AdditionalRadius; y++) {
var pos = new Point(x, y);
if (this.IsInBounds(pos))
if (random.Next(15) != 0)
var type = random.Next(3);
this.treePositions[pos] = type;
public ParkMap(int width, int height) {
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.attractionGrid = new Attraction[width, height];
// set up fences
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, -1)] = 2;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, -1)] = 3;
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, this.Height)] = 4;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, this.Height)] = 5;
for (var x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) {
this.fencePositions[new Point(x, -1)] = 0;
this.fencePositions[new Point(x, this.Height)] = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) {
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, y)] = 1;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, y)] = 1;
// set up trees
var random = new Random();
for (var x = -ParkMap.AdditionalRadius; x < this.Width + ParkMap.AdditionalRadius; x++) {
for (var y = -ParkMap.AdditionalRadius; y < this.Height + ParkMap.AdditionalRadius; y++) {
var pos = new Point(x, y);
if (this.IsInBounds(pos))
if (random.Next(15) != 0)
var type = random.Next(3);
this.treePositions[pos] = type;
public void Update(TimeSpan passed, bool wasAway) {
var toSimulate = wasAway ? new TimeSpan(passed.Ticks / 2) : passed;
// handle auto-buying
this.autoBuyCounter += toSimulate.TotalSeconds;
var autoBuysPerAttraction = ((float) this.autoBuyCounter / AutoBuyIntervalSecs / this.attractions.Count).Ceil();
// update tickets
this.TicketsPerSecond = 0;
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
var genPerSecond = attraction.Update(toSimulate, this, pos);
this.TicketsPerSecond += genPerSecond;
// if we were away, we have to catch up with auto-buys while also taking into account
// the amount of tickets that each ride generates. The easiest way we can do this is
// to progress, between updating each ride, by a percentage of the total update amount
if (wasAway) {
for (var i = autoBuysPerAttraction; i > 0; i--) {
if (!this.TryAutoBuy())
// map movement
if (GameImpl.Instance.DrawMap && GameImpl.Instance.UiSystem.Controls.HandleTouch) {
var camera = GameImpl.Instance.Camera;
if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.Pinch, out var pinch)) {
// pinch zoom
var center = (pinch.Position + pinch.Position2) / 2;
var newDist = Vector2.Distance(pinch.Position + pinch.Delta, pinch.Position2 + pinch.Delta2);
var oldDist = Vector2.Distance(pinch.Position, pinch.Position2);
var newScale = newDist / oldDist * camera.Scale;
camera.Zoom(newScale - camera.Scale, center);
} else if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.FreeDrag, out var drag)) {
if (this.draggingAttraction) {
// move the current placing position
var nextPos = (camera.ToWorldPos(drag.Position + drag.Delta) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
// drag the center of the attraction
nextPos -= new Point(this.PlacingAttraction.Type.Width / 2, this.PlacingAttraction.Type.Height / 2);
if (this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles().Select(p => nextPos + p).All(this.IsInBounds))
this.PlacingPosition = nextPos;
} else {
// move the camera
camera.Position -= drag.Delta / camera.ActualScale;
} else if (this.PlacingAttraction != null) {
foreach (var touch in MlemGame.Input.TouchState) {
if (touch.State != TouchLocationState.Pressed)
// when first pressing down, go into attraction drag mode if we're touching the place location
var offset = (camera.ToWorldPos(touch.Position) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
this.draggingAttraction = this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles()
.Any(p => this.PlacingPosition + p == offset);
} else {
// we're not placing an attraction, so we're in remove and move mode
if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.Tap, out var tap) && GameImpl.Instance.UiSystem.Controls.GetElementUnderPos(tap.Position) == null) {
var pos = (camera.ToWorldPos(tap.Position) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
var attraction = this.GetAttractionAt(pos);
if (attraction != null && (this.PlacingModifier == null || this.PlacingModifier.IsAffected(attraction))) {
// actually select the top left for easy usage later
this.SelectedPosition = this.attractions.First(kv => kv.Item2 == attraction).Item1;
} else {
this.SelectedPosition = null;
camera.ConstrainWorldBounds(new Vector2(-AdditionalRadius) * Assets.TileSize, new Vector2(this.Width + AdditionalRadius, this.Height + AdditionalRadius) * Assets.TileSize);
// set up fences
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, -1)] = 2;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, -1)] = 3;
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, this.Height)] = 4;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, this.Height)] = 5;
for (var x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) {
this.fencePositions[new Point(x, -1)] = 0;
this.fencePositions[new Point(x, this.Height)] = 0;
public void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 position, float scale, float alpha, bool showSurroundings, RectangleF visibleArea) {
var tileSize = Assets.TileSize * scale;
// draw ground
var additionalRadius = showSurroundings ? AdditionalRadius : 0;
var minX = Math.Max(-additionalRadius, visibleArea.Left / tileSize.X).Floor();
var minY = Math.Max(-additionalRadius, visibleArea.Top / tileSize.Y).Floor();
var maxX = Math.Min(this.Width + additionalRadius, visibleArea.Right / tileSize.X).Ceil();
var maxY = Math.Min(this.Height + additionalRadius, visibleArea.Bottom / tileSize.Y).Ceil();
for (var x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
for (var y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
var pos = new Vector2(x, y);
var drawPos = position + pos * tileSize;
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[0, 0], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
if (this.fencePositions.TryGetValue(pos.ToPoint(), out var fenceType)) {
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[fenceType, 1], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
} else if (this.treePositions.TryGetValue(pos.ToPoint(), out var treeType)) {
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[1 + treeType, 0], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
// selected attraction
if (this.SelectedPosition != null) {
var selected = this.SelectedPosition.Value;
var attr = this.GetAttractionAt(selected);
foreach (var pos in attr.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(position + (selected + pos).ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), Color.Black * 0.25F * alpha);
// draw attractions
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
if (this.PlacingModifier != null && this.PlacingModifier.IsAffected(attraction)) {
var color = GameImpl.Instance.Tickets >= attraction.GetModifierPrice(this.PlacingModifier) ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red;
foreach (var offset in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(position + (pos + offset).ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), color * 0.25F * alpha);
attraction.Draw(batch, position + pos.ToVector2() * tileSize, alpha, scale);
// placing attraction
if (this.PlacingAttraction != null) {
var placingPos = position + this.PlacingPosition.ToVector2() * tileSize;
var color = this.CanPlace(this.PlacingPosition, this.PlacingAttraction) ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red;
foreach (var pos in this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(placingPos + pos.ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), color * 0.25F * alpha);
this.PlacingAttraction.Draw(batch, placingPos, alpha * 0.5F, scale);
for (var y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) {
this.fencePositions[new Point(-1, y)] = 1;
this.fencePositions[new Point(this.Width, y)] = 1;
public bool CanPlace(Point position, Attraction attraction) {
foreach (var offset in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles()) {
if (!this.IsInBounds(position + offset))
return false;
if (this.GetAttractionAt(position + offset) != null)
return false;
return true;
public void Place(Point position, Attraction attraction) {
foreach (var (x, y) in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
this.attractionGrid[position.X + x, position.Y + y] = attraction;
this.attractions.Add((position, attraction));
public Attraction Remove(Point position) {
var attraction = this.GetAttractionAt(position);
if (attraction != null) {
foreach (var (x, y) in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
this.attractionGrid[position.X + x, position.Y + y] = null;
this.attractions.Remove((position, attraction));
return attraction;
public Attraction GetAttractionAt(Point position) {
return !this.IsInBounds(position) ? null : this.attractionGrid[position.X, position.Y];
public int GetAttractionAmount(AttractionType type) {
return this.attractions.Count(a => type == null || a.Item2.Type == type);
public int GetModifierAmount(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.attractions.Sum(a => a.Item2.GetModifierAmount(modifier));
public bool IsAnyAttractionAffected(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.attractions.Any(a => modifier.IsAffected(a.Item2));
public IEnumerable<(Point, Attraction)> GetAttractions() {
foreach (var attraction in this.attractions)
yield return attraction;
public bool IsInBounds(Point pos) {
return pos.X >= 0 && pos.Y >= 0 && pos.X < this.Width && pos.Y < this.Height;
public ParkMap Copy(int? newWidth = null, int? newHeight = null) {
var newMap = new ParkMap(newWidth ?? this.Width, newHeight ?? this.Height);
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
if (newMap.CanPlace(pos, attraction))
newMap.Place(pos, attraction);
newMap.TicketsPerSecond = this.TicketsPerSecond;
return newMap;
private bool TryAutoBuy() {
if (!Options.Instance.AutoBuyEnabled)
return false;
if (GameImpl.Instance.Tickets < Options.Instance.MinTicketsForAutoBuy)
return false;
if (this.autoBuyCounter < AutoBuyIntervalSecs)
return false;
this.autoBuyCounter -= AutoBuyIntervalSecs;
var success = false;
// auto-buy modifiers
if (Upgrade.AutoPlaceModifiers[0].IsActive()) {
// loop through all attractions, but look at attractions with fewer applied modifiers first
foreach (var attraction in this.attractions.Select(kv => kv.Item2).OrderBy(a => a.GetModifierAmount(null))) {
var match = AttractionModifier.Modifiers.Values.Where(m => m.IsAffected(attraction));
// if we don't have level 2, we only want to increase existing modifiers
if (!Upgrade.AutoPlaceModifiers[1].IsActive())
match = match.Where(m => attraction.GetModifierAmount(m) > 0);
// we want to apply the least applied modifier on this attraction
var modifier = match.OrderBy(m => attraction.GetModifierAmount(m)).FirstOrDefault();
if (modifier != null && modifier.Buy(attraction))
success = true;
return success;
public void Update(TimeSpan passed, bool wasAway) {
var toSimulate = wasAway ? new TimeSpan(passed.Ticks / 2) : passed;
// handle auto-buying
this.autoBuyCounter += toSimulate.TotalSeconds;
var autoBuysPerAttraction = ((float) this.autoBuyCounter / ParkMap.AutoBuyIntervalSecs / this.attractions.Count).Ceil();
// update tickets
this.TicketsPerSecond = 0;
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
var genPerSecond = attraction.Update(toSimulate, this, pos);
this.TicketsPerSecond += genPerSecond;
// if we were away, we have to catch up with auto-buys while also taking into account
// the amount of tickets that each ride generates. The easiest way we can do this is
// to progress, between updating each ride, by a percentage of the total update amount
if (wasAway) {
for (var i = autoBuysPerAttraction; i > 0; i--) {
if (!this.TryAutoBuy())
// map movement
if (GameImpl.Instance.DrawMap && GameImpl.Instance.UiSystem.Controls.HandleTouch) {
var camera = GameImpl.Instance.Camera;
if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.Pinch, out var pinch)) {
// pinch zoom
var center = (pinch.Position + pinch.Position2) / 2;
var newDist = Vector2.Distance(pinch.Position + pinch.Delta, pinch.Position2 + pinch.Delta2);
var oldDist = Vector2.Distance(pinch.Position, pinch.Position2);
var newScale = newDist / oldDist * camera.Scale;
camera.Zoom(newScale - camera.Scale, center);
} else if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.FreeDrag, out var drag)) {
if (this.draggingAttraction) {
// move the current placing position
var nextPos = (camera.ToWorldPos(drag.Position + drag.Delta) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
// drag the center of the attraction
nextPos -= new Point(this.PlacingAttraction.Type.Width / 2, this.PlacingAttraction.Type.Height / 2);
if (this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles().Select(p => nextPos + p).All(this.IsInBounds))
this.PlacingPosition = nextPos;
} else {
// move the camera
camera.Position -= drag.Delta / camera.ActualScale;
} else if (this.PlacingAttraction != null) {
foreach (var touch in MlemGame.Input.TouchState) {
if (touch.State != TouchLocationState.Pressed)
// when first pressing down, go into attraction drag mode if we're touching the place location
var offset = (camera.ToWorldPos(touch.Position) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
this.draggingAttraction = this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles()
.Any(p => this.PlacingPosition + p == offset);
} else {
// we're not placing an attraction, so we're in remove and move mode
if (MlemGame.Input.GetGesture(GestureType.Tap, out var tap) && GameImpl.Instance.UiSystem.Controls.GetElementUnderPos(tap.Position) == null) {
var pos = (camera.ToWorldPos(tap.Position) / Assets.TileSize).ToPoint();
var attraction = this.GetAttractionAt(pos);
if (attraction != null && (this.PlacingModifier == null || this.PlacingModifier.IsAffected(attraction))) {
// actually select the top left for easy usage later
this.SelectedPosition = this.attractions.First(kv => kv.Item2 == attraction).Item1;
} else {
this.SelectedPosition = null;
camera.ConstrainWorldBounds(new Vector2(-ParkMap.AdditionalRadius) * Assets.TileSize, new Vector2(this.Width + ParkMap.AdditionalRadius, this.Height + ParkMap.AdditionalRadius) * Assets.TileSize);
public void Draw(GameTime time, SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 position, float scale, float alpha, bool showSurroundings, RectangleF visibleArea) {
var tileSize = Assets.TileSize * scale;
// draw ground
var additionalRadius = showSurroundings ? ParkMap.AdditionalRadius : 0;
var minX = Math.Max(-additionalRadius, visibleArea.Left / tileSize.X).Floor();
var minY = Math.Max(-additionalRadius, visibleArea.Top / tileSize.Y).Floor();
var maxX = Math.Min(this.Width + additionalRadius, visibleArea.Right / tileSize.X).Ceil();
var maxY = Math.Min(this.Height + additionalRadius, visibleArea.Bottom / tileSize.Y).Ceil();
for (var x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
for (var y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
var pos = new Vector2(x, y);
var drawPos = position + pos * tileSize;
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[0, 0], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
if (this.fencePositions.TryGetValue(pos.ToPoint(), out var fenceType)) {
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[fenceType, 1], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
} else if (this.treePositions.TryGetValue(pos.ToPoint(), out var treeType)) {
batch.Draw(Assets.TilesTexture[1 + treeType, 0], drawPos, Color.White * alpha, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
// selected attraction
if (this.SelectedPosition != null) {
var selected = this.SelectedPosition.Value;
var attr = this.GetAttractionAt(selected);
foreach (var pos in attr.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(position + (selected + pos).ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), Color.Black * 0.25F * alpha);
// draw attractions
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
if (this.PlacingModifier != null && this.PlacingModifier.IsAffected(attraction)) {
var color = GameImpl.Instance.Tickets >= attraction.GetModifierPrice(this.PlacingModifier) ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red;
foreach (var offset in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(position + (pos + offset).ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), color * 0.25F * alpha);
attraction.Draw(batch, position + pos.ToVector2() * tileSize, alpha, scale);
// placing attraction
if (this.PlacingAttraction != null) {
var placingPos = position + this.PlacingPosition.ToVector2() * tileSize;
var color = this.CanPlace(this.PlacingPosition, this.PlacingAttraction) ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red;
foreach (var pos in this.PlacingAttraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), new RectangleF(placingPos + pos.ToVector2() * tileSize, tileSize), color * 0.25F * alpha);
this.PlacingAttraction.Draw(batch, placingPos, alpha * 0.5F, scale);
public bool CanPlace(Point position, Attraction attraction) {
foreach (var offset in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles()) {
if (!this.IsInBounds(position + offset))
return false;
if (this.GetAttractionAt(position + offset) != null)
return false;
return true;
public void Place(Point position, Attraction attraction) {
foreach (var (x, y) in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
this.attractionGrid[position.X + x, position.Y + y] = attraction;
this.attractions.Add((position, attraction));
public Attraction Remove(Point position) {
var attraction = this.GetAttractionAt(position);
if (attraction != null) {
foreach (var (x, y) in attraction.Type.GetCoveredTiles())
this.attractionGrid[position.X + x, position.Y + y] = null;
this.attractions.Remove((position, attraction));
return attraction;
public Attraction GetAttractionAt(Point position) {
return !this.IsInBounds(position) ? null : this.attractionGrid[position.X, position.Y];
public int GetAttractionAmount(AttractionType type) {
return this.attractions.Count(a => type == null || a.Item2.Type == type);
public int GetModifierAmount(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.attractions.Sum(a => a.Item2.GetModifierAmount(modifier));
public bool IsAnyAttractionAffected(AttractionModifier modifier) {
return this.attractions.Any(a => modifier.IsAffected(a.Item2));
public IEnumerable<(Point, Attraction)> GetAttractions() {
foreach (var attraction in this.attractions)
yield return attraction;
public bool IsInBounds(Point pos) {
return pos.X >= 0 && pos.Y >= 0 && pos.X < this.Width && pos.Y < this.Height;
public ParkMap Copy(int? newWidth = null, int? newHeight = null) {
var newMap = new ParkMap(newWidth ?? this.Width, newHeight ?? this.Height);
foreach (var (pos, attraction) in this.attractions) {
if (newMap.CanPlace(pos, attraction))
newMap.Place(pos, attraction);
newMap.TicketsPerSecond = this.TicketsPerSecond;
return newMap;
private bool TryAutoBuy() {
if (!Options.Instance.AutoBuyEnabled)
return false;
if (GameImpl.Instance.Tickets < Options.Instance.MinTicketsForAutoBuy)
return false;
if (this.autoBuyCounter < ParkMap.AutoBuyIntervalSecs)
return false;
this.autoBuyCounter -= ParkMap.AutoBuyIntervalSecs;
var success = false;
// auto-buy modifiers
if (Upgrade.AutoPlaceModifiers[0].IsActive()) {
// loop through all attractions, but look at attractions with fewer applied modifiers first
foreach (var attraction in this.attractions.Select(kv => kv.Item2).OrderBy(a => a.GetModifierAmount(null))) {
var match = AttractionModifier.Modifiers.Values.Where(m => m.IsAffected(attraction));
// if we don't have level 2, we only want to increase existing modifiers
if (!Upgrade.AutoPlaceModifiers[1].IsActive())
match = match.Where(m => attraction.GetModifierAmount(m) > 0);
// we want to apply the least applied modifier on this attraction
var modifier = match.OrderBy(m => attraction.GetModifierAmount(m)).FirstOrDefault();
if (modifier != null && modifier.Buy(attraction))
success = true;
return success;
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public abstract class Platform {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public abstract void SetupOnlineInteractions(Dictionary<string, object> analyticsJson);
public abstract class Platform {
public abstract void AddResourceEvent(bool sink, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId);
public abstract void SetupOnlineInteractions(Dictionary<string, object> analyticsJson);
public abstract void SetKeepScreenOn(bool keep);
public abstract void AddResourceEvent(bool sink, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId);
public abstract void OpenRateLink();
public abstract void SetKeepScreenOn(bool keep);
public abstract bool GainAchievement(Achievement achievement);
public abstract void OpenRateLink();
public abstract void ShowAchievements();
public abstract bool GainAchievement(Achievement achievement);
public abstract void ShowAchievements();
@ -2,34 +2,33 @@ using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using MLEM.Extensions;
using MLEM.Misc;
using MLEM.Textures;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class RainingTicket {
namespace TouchyTickets;
private static readonly Random Random = new Random();
private readonly Vector2 speed;
private readonly float rotationSpeed;
private float rotation;
private Vector2 position;
public class RainingTicket {
public RainingTicket() {
this.position = new Vector2((float) Random.NextDouble(), -0.15F);
this.speed = new Vector2((float) Random.NextDouble() * 0.0005F - 0.00025F, 0.005F + (float) Random.NextDouble() * 0.01F);
this.rotationSpeed = MathHelper.ToRadians((float) Random.NextDouble() * 5);
public bool Update() {
this.rotation += this.rotationSpeed;
this.position += this.speed;
return this.position.Y >= 1.15F;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 viewport, float scale, Color color) {
var tex = Assets.UiTexture[2, 0];
batch.Draw(tex, this.position * viewport, color, this.rotation, tex.Size.ToVector2() / 2, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
private static readonly Random Random = new();
private readonly Vector2 speed;
private readonly float rotationSpeed;
private float rotation;
private Vector2 position;
public RainingTicket() {
this.position = new Vector2(RainingTicket.Random.NextSingle(), -0.15F);
this.speed = new Vector2(RainingTicket.Random.NextSingle() * 0.0005F - 0.00025F, 0.005F + RainingTicket.Random.NextSingle() * 0.01F);
this.rotationSpeed = MathHelper.ToRadians(RainingTicket.Random.NextSingle() * 5);
public bool Update() {
this.rotation += this.rotationSpeed;
this.position += this.speed;
return this.position.Y >= 1.15F;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 viewport, float scale, Color color) {
var tex = Assets.UiTexture[2, 0];
batch.Draw(tex, this.position * viewport, color, this.rotation, tex.Size.ToVector2() / 2, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
@ -6,92 +6,91 @@ using System.Numerics;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public static class SaveHandler {
namespace TouchyTickets;
public static readonly JsonSerializer Serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings {
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
Formatting = Formatting.Indented
private const int SaveVersion = 3;
public static class SaveHandler {
public static void Save(GameImpl game) {
var file = GetSaveFile(true);
using (var stream = new JsonTextWriter(file.CreateText())) {
var data = new SaveData {
SaveVersion = SaveVersion,
Tickets = game.Tickets,
LastUpdate = game.LastUpdate,
Map = game.Map,
Stars = game.Stars,
TimesRestarted = game.TimesRestarted,
Upgrades = game.AppliedUpgrades.Select(u => u.Name).ToList(),
TutorialStep = game.Tutorial.CurrentStep,
PlayTime = game.PlayTime
Serializer.Serialize(stream, data);
public static bool Load(GameImpl game) {
var file = GetSaveFile(false);
if (!file.Exists)
return false;
SaveData data;
using (var stream = new JsonTextReader(file.OpenText()))
data = Serializer.Deserialize<SaveData>(stream);
game.Tickets = data.Tickets;
game.LastUpdate = data.LastUpdate;
game.Map = data.Map.Copy();
game.Stars = data.Stars;
game.TimesRestarted = data.TimesRestarted;
foreach (var name in data.Upgrades)
game.Tutorial.CurrentStep = data.TutorialStep;
game.PlayTime = data.PlayTime;
// version 1 had smaller maps
if (data.SaveVersion <= 1) {
game.Map = game.Map.Copy(20, 20);
foreach (var upgrade in game.AppliedUpgrades.Intersect(Upgrade.MapSize))
// new tutorial additions need to be forced
if (data.SaveVersion <= 2) {
if (game.Tutorial.CurrentStep > 4)
game.Tutorial.CurrentStep = 4;
return true;
public static DirectoryInfo GetGameDirectory(bool create) {
var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(path, "TouchyTickets"));
if (!dir.Exists && create)
return dir;
private static FileInfo GetSaveFile(bool create) {
return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(GetGameDirectory(create).FullName, "Save"));
public static readonly JsonSerializer Serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings {
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto,
Formatting = Formatting.Indented
private const int SaveVersion = 3;
public static void Save(GameImpl game) {
var file = SaveHandler.GetSaveFile(true);
using var stream = new JsonTextWriter(file.CreateText());
var data = new SaveData {
SaveVersion = SaveHandler.SaveVersion,
Tickets = game.Tickets,
LastUpdate = game.LastUpdate,
Map = game.Map,
Stars = game.Stars,
TimesRestarted = game.TimesRestarted,
Upgrades = game.AppliedUpgrades.Select(u => u.Name).ToList(),
TutorialStep = game.Tutorial.CurrentStep,
PlayTime = game.PlayTime
SaveHandler.Serializer.Serialize(stream, data);
public class SaveData {
public static bool Load(GameImpl game) {
var file = SaveHandler.GetSaveFile(false);
if (!file.Exists)
return false;
SaveData data;
using (var stream = new JsonTextReader(file.OpenText()))
data = SaveHandler.Serializer.Deserialize<SaveData>(stream);
public int SaveVersion;
public BigInteger Tickets;
public DateTime LastUpdate;
public ParkMap Map;
public int Stars;
public int TimesRestarted;
public List<string> Upgrades;
public int TutorialStep;
public TimeSpan PlayTime;
game.Tickets = data.Tickets;
game.LastUpdate = data.LastUpdate;
game.Map = data.Map.Copy();
game.Stars = data.Stars;
game.TimesRestarted = data.TimesRestarted;
foreach (var name in data.Upgrades)
game.Tutorial.CurrentStep = data.TutorialStep;
game.PlayTime = data.PlayTime;
// version 1 had smaller maps
if (data.SaveVersion <= 1) {
game.Map = game.Map.Copy(20, 20);
foreach (var upgrade in game.AppliedUpgrades.Intersect(Upgrade.MapSize))
// new tutorial additions need to be forced
if (data.SaveVersion <= 2) {
if (game.Tutorial.CurrentStep > 4)
game.Tutorial.CurrentStep = 4;
return true;
public static DirectoryInfo GetGameDirectory(bool create) {
var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(path, "TouchyTickets"));
if (!dir.Exists && create)
return dir;
private static FileInfo GetSaveFile(bool create) {
return new FileInfo(Path.Combine(SaveHandler.GetGameDirectory(create).FullName, "Save"));
public class SaveData {
public int SaveVersion;
public BigInteger Tickets;
public DateTime LastUpdate;
public ParkMap Map;
public int Stars;
public int TimesRestarted;
public List<string> Upgrades;
public int TutorialStep;
public TimeSpan PlayTime;
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Coroutine" Version="2.1.3" />
<PackageReference Include="MLEM.Startup" Version="5.3.0-365" />
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.Portable" Version="">
<PackageReference Include="Coroutine" Version="2.1.4"/>
<PackageReference Include="MLEM.Startup" Version="6.1.0"/>
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.2"/>
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL" Version="">
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />
@ -4,68 +4,68 @@ using MLEM.Ui;
using MLEM.Ui.Elements;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
namespace TouchyTickets {
public class Tutorial {
namespace TouchyTickets;
private static readonly Step[] Steps = {
// introduction
new Step(g => true, "Tutorial1"),
new Step(g => g.Tickets >= AttractionType.Carousel.InitialPrice, "Tutorial2"),
new Step(g => g.DrawMap && g.Map.PlacingAttraction?.Type == AttractionType.Carousel, "Tutorial3"),
new Step(g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(AttractionType.Carousel) > 0, "Tutorial4", "Tutorial5", "Tutorial6"),
// modifier tutorial
new Step(g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) >= 3, "Tutorial11"),
new Step(g => g.Map.PlacingModifier != null, "Tutorial12"),
new Step(g => g.Map.GetModifierAmount(null) > 0, "Tutorial13"),
// star tutorial
new Step(g => g.Tickets >= g.GetStarPrice(), "Tutorial7", "Tutorial8"),
new Step(g => g.Stars > 0, "Tutorial9", "Tutorial10")
public int CurrentStep;
private int currentStepMessage;
public class Tutorial {
public void Update(GameImpl game) {
// stop if the tutorial is finished
if (this.CurrentStep >= Steps.Length)
// don't do anything while a tutorial box is already displaying
if (game.UiSystem.Get("TutorialBox") != null)
private static readonly Step[] Steps = {
// introduction
new(_ => true, "Tutorial1"),
new(g => g.Tickets >= AttractionType.Carousel.InitialPrice, "Tutorial2"),
new(g => g.DrawMap && g.Map.PlacingAttraction?.Type == AttractionType.Carousel, "Tutorial3"),
new(g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(AttractionType.Carousel) > 0, "Tutorial4", "Tutorial5", "Tutorial6"),
// modifier tutorial
new(g => g.Map.GetAttractionAmount(null) >= 3, "Tutorial11"),
new(g => g.Map.PlacingModifier != null, "Tutorial12"),
new(g => g.Map.GetModifierAmount(null) > 0, "Tutorial13"),
// star tutorial
new(g => g.Tickets >= g.GetStarPrice(), "Tutorial7", "Tutorial8"),
new(g => g.Stars > 0, "Tutorial9", "Tutorial10")
public int CurrentStep;
private int currentStepMessage;
var step = Steps[this.CurrentStep];
if (step.ShouldContinue(game)) {
var infoBox = new Group(Anchor.TopLeft, Vector2.One, false) {
OnDrawn = (e2, time, batch, alpha) => batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), e2.DisplayArea, Color.Black * 0.35F)
var panel = infoBox.AddChild(new Panel(Anchor.Center, new Vector2(0.8F), Vector2.Zero, true));
panel.AddChild(new Paragraph(Anchor.AutoLeft, 1, Localization.Get(step.Content[this.currentStepMessage])));
panel.AddChild(new Button(Anchor.AutoLeft, new Vector2(1, 30), Localization.Get("Okay")) {
OnPressed = e2 => {
if (this.currentStepMessage >= step.Content.Length) {
this.currentStepMessage = 0;
public void Update(GameImpl game) {
// stop if the tutorial is finished
if (this.CurrentStep >= Tutorial.Steps.Length)
// don't do anything while a tutorial box is already displaying
if (game.UiSystem.Get("TutorialBox") != null)
var step = Tutorial.Steps[this.CurrentStep];
if (step.ShouldContinue(game)) {
var infoBox = new Group(Anchor.TopLeft, Vector2.One, false) {
OnDrawn = (e2, _, batch, _) => batch.Draw(batch.GetBlankTexture(), e2.DisplayArea, Color.Black * 0.35F)
var panel = infoBox.AddChild(new Panel(Anchor.Center, new Vector2(0.8F), Vector2.Zero, true));
panel.AddChild(new Paragraph(Anchor.AutoLeft, 1, Localization.Get(step.Content[this.currentStepMessage])));
panel.AddChild(new Button(Anchor.AutoLeft, new Vector2(1, 30), Localization.Get("Okay")) {
OnPressed = e2 => {
if (this.currentStepMessage >= step.Content.Length) {
this.currentStepMessage = 0;
game.UiSystem.Add("TutorialBox", infoBox);
game.UiSystem.Add("TutorialBox", infoBox);
private class Step {
public readonly ContinueDelegate ShouldContinue;
public readonly string[] Content;
public Step(ContinueDelegate shouldContinue, params string[] content) {
this.ShouldContinue = shouldContinue;
this.Content = content;
private class Step {
public readonly ContinueDelegate ShouldContinue;
public readonly string[] Content;
public Step(ContinueDelegate shouldContinue, params string[] content) {
this.ShouldContinue = shouldContinue;
this.Content = content;
public delegate bool ContinueDelegate(GameImpl game);
public delegate bool ContinueDelegate(GameImpl game);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades {
public class ModifierUpgrade : Upgrade {
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
private readonly AttractionFlags requiredFlag;
private readonly float modifier;
public class ModifierUpgrade : Upgrade {
public ModifierUpgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, AttractionFlags requiredFlag, float modifier, params Upgrade[] dependencies) :
base(name, price, texture, dependencies) {
this.requiredFlag = requiredFlag;
this.modifier = modifier;
public float GetCurrentMultiplier(AttractionType attraction) {
if (this.IsActive() && attraction.Flags.HasFlag(this.requiredFlag))
return this.modifier;
return 1;
private readonly AttractionFlags requiredFlag;
private readonly float modifier;
public ModifierUpgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, AttractionFlags requiredFlag, float modifier, params Upgrade[] dependencies) :
base(name, price, texture, dependencies) {
this.requiredFlag = requiredFlag;
this.modifier = modifier;
public float GetCurrentMultiplier(AttractionType attraction) {
if (this.IsActive() && attraction.Flags.HasFlag(this.requiredFlag))
return this.modifier;
return 1;
@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades {
public class NeighborModifierUpgrade : Upgrade {
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
private readonly AttractionType requiredNeighbor;
private readonly AttractionFlags requiredFlag;
private readonly float modifier;
public class NeighborModifierUpgrade : Upgrade {
public NeighborModifierUpgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, AttractionType requiredNeighbor, float modifier, AttractionFlags requiredFlag = AttractionFlags.None, params Upgrade[] dependencies) :
base(name, price, texture, dependencies) {
this.requiredNeighbor = requiredNeighbor;
this.requiredFlag = requiredFlag;
this.modifier = modifier;
public float GetCurrentMultiplier(Attraction attraction, ParkMap map, Point position) {
if (this.IsActive() && attraction.Type.Flags.HasFlag(this.requiredFlag) && attraction.GetSurrounding(map, position, this.requiredNeighbor).Any())
return this.modifier;
return 1;
private readonly AttractionType requiredNeighbor;
private readonly AttractionFlags requiredFlag;
private readonly float modifier;
public NeighborModifierUpgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, AttractionType requiredNeighbor, float modifier, AttractionFlags requiredFlag = AttractionFlags.None, params Upgrade[] dependencies) :
base(name, price, texture, dependencies) {
this.requiredNeighbor = requiredNeighbor;
this.requiredFlag = requiredFlag;
this.modifier = modifier;
public float GetCurrentMultiplier(Attraction attraction, ParkMap map, Point position) {
if (this.IsActive() && attraction.Type.Flags.HasFlag(this.requiredFlag) && attraction.GetSurrounding(map, position, this.requiredNeighbor).Any())
return this.modifier;
return 1;
@ -3,64 +3,65 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using MLEM.Extensions;
using TouchyTickets.Attractions;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionFlags;
using static TouchyTickets.Attractions.AttractionType;
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades {
public class Upgrade {
namespace TouchyTickets.Upgrades;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Upgrade> Upgrades = new Dictionary<string, Upgrade>();
public static readonly Upgrade[] MapSize = RegisterTiers("MapSize", 5, 1, 1, new Point(0, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] TapIncrease = RegisterTiers("TapIncrease", 3, 1, 0.5F, new Point(6, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] ModifierIncrease = RegisterTiers("ModifierIncrease", 3, 1, 1.5F, new Point(9, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] AutoPlaceModifiers = RegisterTiers("AutoPlaceModifiers", 2, 6, 1, new Point(10, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade FerrisWheelModifier = Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("FerrisWheelModifier", 1, new Point(2, 3), FerrisWheel, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade NatureModifier = Register(new ModifierUpgrade("NatureModifier", 1, new Point(8, 3), NonTechnology, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade FoodCourtModifier = Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("FoodCourtModifier", 2, new Point(1, 3), FoodCourt, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade RollerCoasterModifier = Register(new ModifierUpgrade("RollerCoasterModifier", 2, new Point(3, 3), FastCars, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade ManualRideModifier = Register(new ModifierUpgrade("ManualRideModifier", 2, new Point(4, 3), Walking, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade SpiralSlideModifier = Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("SpiralSlideModifier", 2, new Point(5, 3), SpiralSlide, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade HauntedHouseModifier = Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("HauntedHouseModifier", 2, new Point(7, 3), HauntedHouse, 3, Relaxed));
public class Upgrade {
public readonly string Name;
public readonly int Price;
public readonly Point Texture;
public readonly Upgrade[] Dependencies;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Upgrade> Upgrades = new();
public static readonly Upgrade[] MapSize = Upgrade.RegisterTiers("MapSize", 5, 1, 1, new Point(0, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] TapIncrease = Upgrade.RegisterTiers("TapIncrease", 3, 1, 0.5F, new Point(6, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] ModifierIncrease = Upgrade.RegisterTiers("ModifierIncrease", 3, 1, 1.5F, new Point(9, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade[] AutoPlaceModifiers = Upgrade.RegisterTiers("AutoPlaceModifiers", 2, 6, 1, new Point(10, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade FerrisWheelModifier = Upgrade.Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("FerrisWheelModifier", 1, new Point(2, 3), AttractionType.FerrisWheel, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade NatureModifier = Upgrade.Register(new ModifierUpgrade("NatureModifier", 1, new Point(8, 3), AttractionFlags.NonTechnology, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade FoodCourtModifier = Upgrade.Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("FoodCourtModifier", 2, new Point(1, 3), AttractionType.FoodCourt, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade RollerCoasterModifier = Upgrade.Register(new ModifierUpgrade("RollerCoasterModifier", 2, new Point(3, 3), AttractionFlags.FastCars, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade ManualRideModifier = Upgrade.Register(new ModifierUpgrade("ManualRideModifier", 2, new Point(4, 3), AttractionFlags.Walking, 3));
public static readonly Upgrade SpiralSlideModifier = Upgrade.Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("SpiralSlideModifier", 2, new Point(5, 3), AttractionType.SpiralSlide, 2));
public static readonly Upgrade HauntedHouseModifier = Upgrade.Register(new NeighborModifierUpgrade("HauntedHouseModifier", 2, new Point(7, 3), AttractionType.HauntedHouse, 3, AttractionFlags.Relaxed));
public Upgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, params Upgrade[] dependencies) {
this.Name = name;
this.Price = price;
this.Texture = texture;
this.Dependencies = dependencies;
public void OnApplied() {
// map size upgrades
if (MapSize.Contains(this)) {
var oldMap = GameImpl.Instance.Map;
GameImpl.Instance.Map = oldMap.Copy(oldMap.Width + 10, oldMap.Height + 10);
public bool IsActive() {
return GameImpl.Instance.AppliedUpgrades.Contains(this);
private static Upgrade Register(Upgrade upgrade) {
Upgrades.Add(upgrade.Name, upgrade);
return upgrade;
private static Upgrade[] RegisterTiers(string name, int amount, int startPrice, float priceIncrease, Point texture) {
var ret = new Upgrade[amount];
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
// every tier except first depends on last tier
var deps = i == 0 ? Array.Empty<Upgrade>() : new[] {ret[i - 1]};
var price = (startPrice * (1 + i * priceIncrease)).Floor();
Register(ret[i] = new Upgrade(name + (i + 1), price, texture, deps));
return ret;
public readonly string Name;
public readonly int Price;
public readonly Point Texture;
public readonly Upgrade[] Dependencies;
public Upgrade(string name, int price, Point texture, params Upgrade[] dependencies) {
this.Name = name;
this.Price = price;
this.Texture = texture;
this.Dependencies = dependencies;
public void OnApplied() {
// map size upgrades
if (Upgrade.MapSize.Contains(this)) {
var oldMap = GameImpl.Instance.Map;
GameImpl.Instance.Map = oldMap.Copy(oldMap.Width + 10, oldMap.Height + 10);
public bool IsActive() {
return GameImpl.Instance.AppliedUpgrades.Contains(this);
private static Upgrade Register(Upgrade upgrade) {
Upgrade.Upgrades.Add(upgrade.Name, upgrade);
return upgrade;
private static Upgrade[] RegisterTiers(string name, int amount, int startPrice, float priceIncrease, Point texture) {
var ret = new Upgrade[amount];
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
// every tier except first depends on last tier
var deps = i == 0 ? Array.Empty<Upgrade>() : new[] {ret[i - 1]};
var price = (startPrice * (1 + i * priceIncrease)).Floor();
Upgrade.Register(ret[i] = new Upgrade(name + (i + 1), price, texture, deps));
return ret;
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
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<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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<string>Touchy Tickets</string>
<!-- Allow running on iPhones (1) and iPads (2) -->
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TouchyTickets;
namespace iOS {
public class IosPlatform : Platform {
public override void SetupOnlineInteractions(Dictionary<string, object> analyticsJson) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public override void AddResourceEvent(bool sink, string currency, float amount, string itemType, string itemId) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public override void SetKeepScreenOn(bool keep) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public override void OpenRateLink() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public override bool GainAchievement(Achievement achievement) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public override void ShowAchievements() {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
using Foundation;
using MLEM.Misc;
using TouchyTickets;
using UIKit;
namespace iOS {
internal class Program : UIApplicationDelegate {
private static GameImpl game;
private static void RunGame() {
TextInputWrapper.Current = new TextInputWrapper.Mobile();
game = new GameImpl(new IosPlatform());
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
private static void Main(string[] args) {
UIApplication.Main(args, null, "AppDelegate");
public override void FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app) {
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Touchy Tickets")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Touchy Tickets")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2020")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
// The following attributes are used to specify the signing key for the assembly,
// if desired. See the Mono documentation for more information about signing.
//[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
//[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MonoGame\v3.0\MonoGame.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MonoGame\v3.0\MonoGame.Common.props')" />
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">iPhoneSimulator</Platform>
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<MtouchArch>i386, x86_64</MtouchArch>
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<CodesignKey>iPhone Developer</CodesignKey>
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<CodesignKey>iPhone Developer</CodesignKey>
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<MtouchArch>ARMv7, ARMv7s, ARM64</MtouchArch>
<CodesignKey>iPhone Distribution</CodesignKey>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'AppStore|iPhone' ">
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<CodesignKey>iPhone Distribution</CodesignKey>
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="Xamarin.iOS" />
<Compile Include="IosPlatform.cs" />
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<None Include="Entitlements.plist" />
<None Include="Info.plist" />
<None Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\*\**" />
<MonoGameContentReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\Content\Content.mgcb">
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<BundleResource Include="GameThumbnail.png" />
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<PackageReference Include="GameAnalytics.Xamarin.SDK" Version="5.2.3" />
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Content.Builder" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="MonoGame.Framework.iOS" Version="" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\TouchyTickets\TouchyTickets.csproj">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" />
Add table
Reference in a new issue