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Namespace: TinyLife > Actions

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll


Action types are blueprints for TinyLife.Actions.Action instances which can be registered using TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.Register(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings). An action type contains information about its action and can create an instance using TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings.Construct.


Type Name Summary
TypeSettings Settings The TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings for this action type, which actually contain this type's properties.


Return Name Summary
Action Construct ( ActionInfo, Nullable<ActionVariety> ) Creates a new TinyLife.Actions.Action instance of this TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.
String GetDisplayName ( ActionInfo )

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
ActionType AskAboutDay
ActionType AskToLeave
ActionType BreakUp
ActionType CallOver
ActionType ChangeClothes
ActionType Chat
ActionType CleanDish
ActionType ComplimentLooks
ActionType ConfideIn
ActionType CookFood
ActionType Drive
ActionType Eat
ActionType Flirt
ActionType FoolAround
ActionType GaugeRelationship
ActionType GetIngredients
ActionType GetJob
ActionType GoHere
ActionType GoHome
ActionType HackSomeone
ActionType ImplyMotherIsCamel
ActionType Insult
ActionType MakeRisqueRemark
ActionType ModGame
ActionType MopPuddle
ActionType Paint
ActionType PassOut
ActionType PeeSelf
ActionType PickUp
ActionType PlayGames
ActionType PlayTrick
ActionType PracticeJokes
ActionType PracticeProgramming
ActionType PracticeSpeech
ActionType PrepareFood
ActionType PutAwayBook
ActionType PutDown
ActionType QuitJob
ActionType Read
ActionType Repair
ActionType SellPainting
ActionType Sit
ActionType SitToilet
ActionType Sleep
ActionType StartDating
ActionType Starve
ActionType TakeShower
ActionType Talk
ActionType TellComplexJoke
ActionType TellEngagingStory
ActionType TellFunnyStory
ActionType TellJoke
ActionType TellPeopleToLeaveRoom
ActionType TellStory
ActionType ThisIsInappropriate
IDictionary<ObjectCategory, List<ActionType>> Types A list of all available action types. To register your own action types, use the TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.Register(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings) method.
ActionType VisitLot
ActionType WakeUp
ActionType Walk
ActionType WatchTv
ActionType Work

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
CanExecuteResult CanExecuteAll ( ActionInfo, Boolean, CanExecuteDelegate[] )
CanExecuteResult CanPlaceHeldItem ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines whether or not the item that is currently held by the given person can be placed in an object spot on the given object.
CanExecuteResult CanWorkAtComputer ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the action object (which is expected to be a computer) meets all of the criteria for working at it
IEnumerable<ActionType> GetMatchingActions ( ObjectCategory ) Returns a set of actions that match any the given TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory flag values. No check occurs that determines whether or not the action is valid in any given circumstance, other than the category.
CanExecuteResult HasChair ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the given object is sat on a table or desk that has a chair.
CanExecuteResult IsComfortable ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the person is comfortable enough to execute an action. A comfortable person is one that doesn't have the TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionType.Uncomfortable or TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionType.Sad emotions.
CanExecuteResult IsDislikedOrMean ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the action is executed manually, the given TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo's person has the TinyLife.PersonalityType.Mean personality type, or if the interaction partner has the TinyLife.RelationshipType.Disliked relationship type (or lower).
CanExecuteResult IsEmptyHanded ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the person is not holding an item.
CanExecuteResult IsFunctional ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method inteded to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the action object is functional or broken. This method always returns TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteResult.Valid if the object is not breakable.
CanExecuteResult IsHoldingOrPlaceableOn ( ActionInfo, ObjectCategory, Predicate<Furniture> ) A helper method to check whether or not the person in the given TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo is an item that matches the predicate () and the `TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo.GetActionObject1` is of the required type (``) or if the action object itself matches the predicate.
CanExecuteResult IsNotEmbarrassed ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the person is TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionType.Embarrassed or not
CanExecuteResult IsReadyForRomance ( ActionInfo, Boolean ) A helper method intended to be used with TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteDelegate that determines if the TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo.Person and their interaction partner are TinyLife.GenealogyType.Unrelated and whether the action is executed manually or their TinyLife.Relationship.RomanceLevel is higher than 0. This method will also return TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.CanExecuteResult.TooSad if the person is currently feeling TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionType.Sad. This method should be used for TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction actions that are romantic in nature.
ActionType Register ( TypeSettings )