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Namespace: TinyLife > Actions

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IGenericDataHolder


An action is something that a TinyLife.Objects.Person does. An action is always derived from an underlying TinyLife.Actions.ActionType that contains various action settings. Actions can be queued up for a person (TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue) or currently active (TinyLife.Objects.Person.CurrentActions). To create a more complex action, it is best to extend TinyLife.Actions.MultiAction.


Name Summary
Action ( ActionType, ActionInfo ) Creates a new action from the given TinyLife.Actions.ActionType


Type Name Summary
ActionInfo Info The TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo for this action that contains the clicked (or otherwise targeted) objects and more
ActionType Type The TinyLife.Actions.ActionType that this action instance derives from


Type Name Summary
TimeSpan ElapsedTime The amount of in-game time that has elapsed since this action has started
Boolean IsCurrent Returns true if this action instance is currently active. This is a shorthand for a TinyLife.Objects.Person.CurrentActions containment check.
Boolean IsUnderlying Stores whether this action is an underlying action of either a TinyLife.Actions.MultiAction or a TinyLife.Actions.UnderlyingAction
Map Map The TinyLife.Actions.Action.Map that this action occurs on
Person Person The TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person that this action is being executed by
Boolean StartedAutomatically If this value is true, this action was started using TinyLife.Objects.PersonAi or through another action rather than by the player
Nullable<ActionVariety> Variety The TinyLife.Actions.ActionVariety that this action was initialized with. If this is null, then the underlying TinyLife.Actions.ActionType has no varieties.


Return Name Summary
Boolean CanCancel ( Action ) Returns whether or not this action can be canceled by the given outside source. Note that the outside source can be null, and if it is, it means that the player canceled the action manually. By default, actions can only be canceled if the `` is null.
Boolean CanMultitask ( Action ) Return true on this method if this action can be multi-tasked along with the passed TinyLife.Actions.Action. To actually check this property, TinyLife.Actions.Action.CanMultitask(TinyLife.Actions.Action,TinyLife.Actions.Action) should be used as it compares both objects. A multi-tasking is an action that TinyLife.Actions.Action.IsCurrent along with another action. By default, multi-tasking is disallowed for any action.
Boolean CausesExtremelyFastSpeed ( ) Returns true if this action, while it TinyLife.Actions.Action.IsCurrent, should cause the TinyLife.GameSpeed.ExtremelyFast speed to be available. By default, this method returns false.
String GetDisplayName ( ) Returns a localized string that explains this action in short. By default, this method returns TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.GetDisplayName(TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo).
MapObject GetIconObject ( ) Returns the map object that is displayed in the action queue in the top left of the screen. Note that this value is ignored if this action's type has a TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings.Texture. By default, the TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo.GetActionObject``1 is returned.
Action GetNextAction ( CompletionType )
void Initialize ( ) This method is called when the action is first started by a TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person. Note that it is not called when the action gets added to the TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue, but when it is moved to TinyLife.Objects.Person.CurrentActions.
CompletionType IsCompleted ( ) This method is called every update frame by a TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person if this action TinyLife.Actions.Action.IsCurrent to check if it should be stopped. If this returns a result other than TinyLife.Actions.Action.CompletionType.Completed, TinyLife.Actions.Action.OnCompleted(TinyLife.Actions.Action.CompletionType) will be called and the action is stopped. By default, only TinyLife.Actions.Action.ForceFail modifies the completion type, otherwise TinyLife.Actions.Action.CompletionType.Active is returned.
Boolean IsFullyInProgress ( ) Returns whether this action is currently "properly" in progress. This is used by TinyLife.Actions.MultiAction and TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction and returns true only once the first actions are completed or the conversation has started, respectively. By default, this method returns true if TinyLife.Actions.Action.GetInProgressTime is greater than System.TimeSpan.Zero.
void OnCompleted ( CompletionType )
Boolean TryForceFail ( CanExecuteResult )
void Update ( GameTime, TimeSpan, GameSpeed ) This method is called every update frame if this action TinyLife.Actions.Action.IsCurrent. By default, only the TinyLife.Actions.Action.ElapsedTime is modified in this method and TinyLife.Objects.MapObject.ActionUpdate(TinyLife.Actions.Action,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime,System.TimeSpan,TinyLife.GameSpeed,System.Boolean) is called.
Boolean Validate ( Person ) Validates this action's data. This is called when a map is loaded from disk. When returning false on this method, the action is removed from the TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person.

Static Methods

Return Name Summary
Boolean CanMultitask ( Action, Action ) A utility method that can be used whether the two TinyLife.Actions.Action instances can currently be invoked together. Internally, this checks if both actions return true on TinyLife.Actions.Action.CanMultitask(TinyLife.Actions.Action).
IEnumerable<Furniture> FindAllFreeFurniture ( Person, ObjectCategory, FurnitureType, Boolean, Nullable<Vector2>, Int32, Boolean ) A helper method to find a set of all TinyLife.Objects.Furniture instances that are currently valid for interaction with the passed TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person
IEnumerable<Person> FindAllFreePeople ( ActionType, Person, Nullable<Vector2>, Int32 ) A helper method to find a set of all TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person instances that are currently valid for interaction with the passed TinyLife.Actions.Action.Person
ActionInfo FindFreeFurniture ( Person, ObjectCategory, FurnitureType, Nullable<Vector2>, Boolean ) A helper method to find the best TinyLife.Objects.Furniture instance to interact with based on the given data. Note that this method always returns a TinyLife.Actions.ActionInfo related to the first result from TinyLife.Actions.Action.FindAllFreeFurniture(TinyLife.Objects.Person,TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory,TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2},System.Int32,System.Boolean).
Furniture GetChair ( Furniture ) A helper method that returns a TinyLife.Objects.Furniture with the TinyLife.Objects.ObjectCategory.Chair category that is closest to the given object which is on a desk or table. The furniture returned is the one that the person should TinyLife.Actions.Action.Sit(TinyLife.Objects.Furniture,TinyLife.GameSpeed) on when interacting with the passed ``.