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Namespace: TinyLife > Actions

Assembly: Tiny Life.dll

Implements IGenericDataHolder


A social action is an action that involves two TinyLife.Objects.Person instances. Before a social action "actually" starts, both parties have to have the action as their current action. For this to happen, the person that initiates the action follows the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.Partner until they reach them (or give up).


Name Summary
SocialAction ( ActionType, ActionInfo )


Type Name Summary
TimeSpan ConversationTime The amount of time that the actual conversation has been going on for. This is the total amount of time (TinyLife.Actions.Action.ElapsedTime) minus the amount of time it took for the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.IsMain``TinyLife.Objects.Person to reach the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.Partner.
Boolean IsMain Whether or not this is the action that started the social interaction The TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.PartnerAction will always have the inverse value of this value.
Person Partner The TinyLife.Objects.Person that we're interacting with
SocialAction PartnerAction The TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction that the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.Partner of this action instantiated as part of the interaction


Return Name Summary
Boolean CanCancel ( Action )
Boolean CanMultitask ( Action )
String GetDisplayName ( )
void Initialize ( )
void InvokeForBoth ( Action<Person, Person> ) Invokes the given action for both the TinyLife.Objects.Person and the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.Partner, passing both of them in the following way: action(Person, Partner); action(Partner, Person);
CompletionType IsCompleted ( )
void OnCompleted ( CompletionType )
void Update ( GameTime, TimeSpan, GameSpeed )
Boolean Validate ( Person )