/// The time that it took to copy the texture data from the invidiual textures onto the <see cref="PackedTexture"/> the last time that <see cref="Pack"/> was called
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The time that <see cref="Pack"/> took the last time it was called
/// <param name="autoIncreaseMaxWidth">Whether the maximum width should be increased if there is a texture to be packed that is wider than <see cref="maxWidth"/>. Defaults to false.</param>
/// Adds a new <see cref="UniformTextureAtlas"/> to this texture packer to be packed.
/// The passed <see cref="Action{T}"/> is invoked in <see cref="Pack"/> and provides the caller with the resulting dictionary of texture regions on the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>, mapped to their x and y positions on the original <see cref="UniformTextureAtlas"/>.
/// Note that the resulting data cannot be converted back into a <see cref="UniformTextureAtlas"/>, since the resulting texture regions might be scattered throughout the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="atlas">The texture atlas to pack.</param>
/// <param name="result">The result callback which will receive the resulting texture regions.</param>
/// <param name="padding">The padding that the texture should have around itself. This can be useful if texture bleeding issues occur due to texture coordinate rounding.</param>
/// <param name="padWithPixels">Whether the texture's padding should be filled with a copy of the texture's border, rather than transparent pixels. This value only has an effect if <paramref name="padding"/> is greater than 0.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreTransparent">Whether completely transparent texture regions in the <paramref name="atlas"/> should be ignored. If this is true, they will not be part of the <paramref name="result"/> collection either.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when trying to add data to a packer that has already been packed, or when trying to add a texture width a width greater than the defined max width.</exception>
/// Adds a new <see cref="DataTextureAtlas"/> to this texture packer to be packed.
/// The passed <see cref="Action{T}"/> is invoked in <see cref="Pack"/> and provides the caller with the resulting dictionary of texture regions on the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>, mapped to their name on the original <see cref="DataTextureAtlas"/>.
/// Note that the resulting data cannot be converted back into a <see cref="DataTextureAtlas"/>, since the resulting texture regions might be scattered throughout the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="atlas">The texture atlas to pack.</param>
/// <param name="result">The result callback which will receive the resulting texture regions.</param>
/// <param name="padding">The padding that the texture should have around itself. This can be useful if texture bleeding issues occur due to texture coordinate rounding.</param>
/// <param name="padWithPixels">Whether the texture's padding should be filled with a copy of the texture's border, rather than transparent pixels. This value only has an effect if <paramref name="padding"/> is greater than 0.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when trying to add data to a packer that has already been packed, or when trying to add a texture width a width greater than the defined max width.</exception>
/// The passed <see cref="Action{T}"/> is invoked in <see cref="Pack"/> and provides the caller with the resulting texture region on the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>.
/// <param name="padding">The padding that the texture should have around itself. This can be useful if texture bleeding issues occur due to texture coordinate rounding.</param>
/// <param name="padWithPixels">Whether the texture's padding should be filled with a copy of the texture's border, rather than transparent pixels. This value only has an effect if <paramref name="padding"/> is greater than 0.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when trying to add data to a packer that has already been packed, or when trying to add a texture width a width greater than the defined max width.</exception>
/// Adds a new <see cref="TextureRegion"/> to this texture packer to be packed.
/// The passed <see cref="Action{T}"/> is invoked in <see cref="Pack"/> and provides the caller with the resulting texture region on the <see cref="PackedTexture"/>.
/// <param name="padding">The padding that the texture should have around itself. This can be useful if texture bleeding issues occur due to texture coordinate rounding.</param>
/// <param name="padWithPixels">Whether the texture's padding should be filled with a copy of the texture's border, rather than transparent pixels. This value only has an effect if <paramref name="padding"/> is greater than 0.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown when trying to add data to a packer that has already been packed, or when trying to add a texture width a width greater than the defined max width.</exception>
/// Packs all of the textures and texture regions added using <see cref="Add(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D,System.Action{MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion},int,bool)"/> into one texture.