
21 KiB




  • GameImpl
    • The main class for Tiny Life, which houses a set of important game-wide properties.
  • Localization
    • A class that houses the currently loaded language as well as allows for switching the currently selected language
  • Need
    • A need is a desire that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have to a given extent, defined by TinyLife.Need.Value. Each need is instantiated through its associated TinyLife.NeedType.
  • NeedType
    • A need is a desire that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have to a given extent. To register a custom need type, use TinyLife.NeedType.Register(TinyLife.NeedType).
  • Options
    • The game's options, which are displayed in the TinyLife.Uis.Menus.InitializeOptions(MLEM.Ui.UiSystem,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) menu and saved to disk
  • PerSaveOptions
    • The game's per-save options, which are displayed in the TinyLife.Uis.Menus.InitializeOptions(MLEM.Ui.UiSystem,System.Boolean,System.Boolean) menu and saved to disk. Note that TinyLife.PerSaveOptions.Instance is null if there is no TinyLife.GameImpl.Map loaded.
  • PersonalityType
    • A personality type is a trait that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have. Each personality type is meant to influence the person's behavior and abilities slightly in a certain way.
  • Relationship
    • A relationship is a connection between two TinyLife.Objects.Person objects. It should be noted that a relationship is not always the same between a person and the linked TinyLife.Relationship.OtherPerson. What this means is that A can have a good relationship to B, but B can have a less good relationship to A.


  • Door
  • ExportedHousehold
    • This class represents an exported version of a TinyLife.World.Household, storing all of the TinyLife.World.Map-independent data.
  • ExportedLot
    • An exported lot is all of the relevant data of a TinyLife.World.Lot that should be exported to a file when clicking the "Export" button in the build menu. To create an exported lot from a lot, use TinyLife.World.Lot.Export.
  • Household
    • A household is a set of TinyLife.Objects.Person instances that live together on the same TinyLife.World.Household.Lot
  • IPricedObject
    • A priced object is an object that has a floating point price value attached to it. In the world of Tiny Life, prices are written as "tiny bucks", but they don't necessarily resemble the prices of the American dollar.
  • Lot
    • A lot is a designated area in the world (created using the TinyLife.Tools.LotTool). In the way it works, it acts similarly to a small TinyLife.World.Map, allowing the retrieval of various object types only in its designated area. A lot has a TinyLife.World.LotType, which determines what things can be done on the lot.
  • LotType
    • A lot type is data for a TinyLife.World.Lot that determines the required furniture on the lot as well as whether the lot is residential or not. Additionally, custom lot types can define different reasons and interactions for TinyLife.Objects.Person objects to visit lots of the type.
  • Map
    • A map holds all of the data about a city, like its tiles, its objects and its roads. A map is split into TinyLife.World.MapSection objects which allows faster retrieval of objects in an area.
  • MapSection
    • A map section is a small area in a TinyLife.World.MapSection.Map that actually contains the area's objects. A map section is always TinyLife.World.MapSection.SizexTinyLife.World.MapSection.Size tiles large.
  • Opening
    • An opening is some sort of extrusion in a TinyLife.World.Wall, like a window or a door. Openings are created from their underlying TinyLife.World.OpeningType.
  • OpeningType
    • An opening is some sort of extrusion in a TinyLife.World.Wall, like a window or a door. An opening type stores data that can be used to construct a TinyLife.World.Opening instance.
  • Roof
    • A roof is an object on a TinyLife.World.Map that is on a higher level and cannot be interacted with by people
  • Room
    • A room is an area on a TinyLife.World.Room.Map that is surrounded by TinyLife.World.Wall objects
  • Tile
    • A tile is an object on a TinyLife.World.Map that represents the covering of the ground (or the ground itself)
  • Wall
    • A wall is an element of a TinyLife.World.Map that stops traversal and that has a TinyLife.World.Wallpaper and optionally an TinyLife.World.Wall.Opening attached to it.
  • Wallpaper
    • A wallpaper is a single-instanced object that can be attached to a TinyLife.World.Wall, which makes the wall render a different texture. To register custom wallpapers, use TinyLife.World.Wallpaper.Register(System.String,System.Int32,MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point,TinyLife.Utilities.ColorScheme,MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion). Note that registered wallpapers need to use a texture generated by TinyLife.Utilities.TextureHandler.ApplyWallpaperMasks(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Action{MLEM.Textures.UniformTextureAtlas}).


  • ColorScheme
    • A color scheme is a list of Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color instances with which an object can be colored. By default, a set of color schemes exist (defined in this class), but new ones can be created easily using TinyLife.Utilities.ColorScheme.Create(System.Object[]).
  • Extensions
    • A set of extensions for dealing with various things required by Tiny Life.
  • StaticJsonConverter<T>
    • A Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter1that doesn't actually serialize the object, but instead serializes the name given to it by the underlyingSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.
  • TextureHandler
    • The texture handler stores data for the game's textures, including all of the game's internal textures and various utility methods. It also stores the game's MLEM.Data.RuntimeTexturePacker which is used to pack all textures into a big texture for performance.


  • CharacterCreator
    • The character creator is displayed when a person (or household) is being edited in terms of their TinyLife.Objects.Clothes and TinyLife.PersonalityTypes.
  • Cursor
    • The Cursor class contains ways to change the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.MouseCursor visuals to different TinyLife.Uis.CursorType values
  • Notifications
    • This class holds information about the current and past notifications that are displayed in the top center of the screen. To create custom notifications, use TinyLife.Uis.Notifications.Add(TinyLife.Objects.MapObject,System.String) or TinyLife.Uis.Notifications.Add(MLEM.Textures.TextureRegion,System.String).



  • FoodType
    • A food type is a type of dish that can be cooked using TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.GetIngredients. Food types store information such as their name and texture, but also the cooking level that is required to make them. Food types are registered using TinyLife.Skills.FoodType.Register(TinyLife.Skills.FoodType).
  • PaintingType
    • This class represents a type of TinyLife.Objects.Painting that can be created using the TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.Painting. Painting types are registered using TinyLife.Skills.PaintingType.Register(TinyLife.Skills.PaintingType).
  • Skill
    • A skill is an ability that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have which influences their behavior in some way. Skill instances are created from their corresponding TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.
  • SkillType
    • A skill is an ability that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have which influences their behavior in some way. The SkillType class contains underlying data for a TinyLife.Skills.Skill instance, like its name and maximum level.


  • AbstractSpot
    • An TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot is a base class for TinyLife.Objects.ObjectSpot and TinyLife.Objects.ActionSpot.
  • ActionSpot
    • An action spot is a TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot extension that is used by TinyLife.Objects.Furniture to declare a location that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can interact with the furniture at
  • BreakableFurniture
    • Breakable furniture is TinyLife.Objects.Furniture that can be TinyLife.Objects.BreakableFurniture.Broken and then repaired. An object of this class is automatically returned in TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.Construct(System.Int32[],TinyLife.World.Map,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2,System.Nullable{System.Guid}) if no TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.TypeSettings.ConstructedType is set.
  • Car
  • Clothes
    • A set of information and a registry for clothing items (and hair) that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can wear. Custom clothes can be registered using TinyLife.Objects.Clothes.Register(TinyLife.Objects.Clothes).
  • CornerFurniture
    • Corner furniture is furniture like TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.SimpleCounter and TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.Hedge that automatically connect to their neighbors
  • Fence
    • A fence is a furniture used by things like TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.CountryFence that auto-connects similarly to TinyLife.Objects.CornerFurniture, but by actually adding additional connection textures onto the regular object textures
  • Food
  • FoodTypedItem
  • Furniture
    • A furniture is an instance of a TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType which is placed in the world, or in a TinyLife.Objects.Person's hand. To register a custom furniture, use TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.Register(TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.TypeSettings).
  • FurnitureType
    • A furniture type is basically a blueprint for TinyLife.Objects.Furniture objects. Each furniture type can create a furniture instance and the type's data will be transferred to the instance. Furniture types are automatically listed in the TinyLife.Tools.FurnitureTool if registered using TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.Register(TinyLife.Objects.FurnitureType.TypeSettings).
  • Gravestone
  • IUpdatingObject
    • This is an interface that can be added to TinyLife.Objects.MapObject classes to make them automatically update each update frame. This is used by things like TinyLife.Objects.Person, which needs to update for movement etc.
  • MapObject
    • An instance of this class represents an object that can be, or is, part of a TinyLife.Objects.MapObject.Map. If this object's TinyLife.Objects.MapObject.Position is set to -1, -1, that is usually an indicator that the object is currently not in the world.
  • ObjectSpot
    • An object spot is a TinyLife.Objects.AbstractSpot extension that is used by TinyLife.Objects.Furniture to declare a location that another TinyLife.Objects.Furniture object can be slotted into. This behavior is used for things like plates on counters, flower pots on bedside tables etc.
  • Painting
  • Particle
    • A particle is a MLEM.Animations.SpriteAnimation that can be moved and displayed in world space. A particle is simply a TinyLife.Objects.MapObject that does not collide or interact directly with the world, but has all of the same properties. A new particle can be added for display using TinyLife.Objects.Particle.Spawn(TinyLife.Objects.Particle).
  • Person
    • A person is a TinyLife.Objects.MapObject placed on a TinyLife.World.Map that represents a person. It stores its actions, clothes, data and movement.
  • PersonAi
    • This class holds the artificial intelligence implementation for a TinyLife.Objects.Person. The AI automatically selects actions based on their TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.AiSettings.
  • ScreenObject
  • WornClothes
    • WornClothes is a wrapper around TinyLife.Objects.Clothes that additionally stores the colors and whether or not the clothes are from the TinyLife.World.Household.ClothesStorage or not


  • Events
    • A set of events that can be subscribed to by mods to allow for special handling of certain situations. To have more events added to this list if they're required by your mods, please reach out to Ellpeck. Note that, for events that use an TinyLife.Mods.EventPhase, the subscriber needs to make sure that the code only runs for one of the phases, and not both, by checking the current phase.
  • Mod
    • The base class for all Tiny Life mods. For an example mod, see . Mods are uniquely identified by their ID. The id is the name of the class that extends TinyLife.Mods.Mod.
  • ModInfo
    • A mod info is a set of properties that every TinyLife.Mods.ModInfo.Mod instance is assigned
  • ModLoader
    • The mod loader loads TinyLife.Mods.Mod instances from the TinyLife.Mods.ModLoader.GetModsFolder.


  • Job
    • A job is a kind of work that a TinyLife.Goals.Job.Person can have. The person's current job is accessible using TinyLife.Objects.Person.Job. A job instance is constructed from its underlying TinyLife.Goals.JobType.
  • JobType
    • A job type is a singleton containing various kinds of data for a TinyLife.Goals.Job instance. New jobs can be registered using TinyLife.Goals.JobType.Register(TinyLife.Goals.JobType).


  • EmotionModifier
    • An emotion modifier stores information about a TinyLife.Objects.Person's current or past actions or events that influenced their TinyLife.Objects.Person.Emotion in some way. Each emotion modifier contributes to the person's emotion, and the emotion modifier with the highest combined TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionModifier.Instance.Amount determines the person's TinyLife.Objects.Person.Emotion. Emotion modifiers can be applied automatically using TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionModifier.Condition or manually using TinyLife.Objects.Person.AddEmotion(TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionModifier,System.Int32,System.TimeSpan).
  • EmotionType
    • An emotion type is a type of feeling that a TinyLife.Objects.Person can have. The emotion that a person has results from that person's applied TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionModifier``TinyLife.Emotions.EmotionModifier.Instances.


  • Action
    • An action is something that a TinyLife.Objects.Person does. An action is always derived from an underlying TinyLife.Actions.ActionType that contains various action settings. Actions can be queued up for a person (TinyLife.Objects.Person.ActionQueue) or currently active (TinyLife.Objects.Person.CurrentActions). To create a more complex action, it is best to extend TinyLife.Actions.MultiAction.
  • ActionInfo
    • An action info is a set of information that is required to execute an action
  • ActionType
    • Action types are blueprints for TinyLife.Actions.Action instances which can be registered using TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.Register(TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings). An action type contains information about its action and can create an instance using TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.TypeSettings.Construct.
  • ActionVariety
    • An action variety is a modification to a TinyLife.Actions.ActionType that represents a slightly changed version of the generic action type. Action varieties are used, for example, by TinyLife.Actions.ActionType.PrepareFood to determine the kind of food that should be prepared.
  • ComputerAction
  • DriveAction
  • Emote
    • An emote is a graphic that can be displayed in a bubble over a TinyLife.Objects.Person, usually as part of a conversation.
  • GetAndSitDownAction
  • GoHereAction
  • MultiAction
    • A multi action is an action that can have different actions executed before and/or after itself. This is quite useful if an action requires a TinyLife.Objects.Person to go somewhere to pick up an item etc.
  • OutOfTownAction
    • An out-of-town action is an action where the TinyLife.Objects.Person finds the closest exit road and then exits the city using that road. Out-of-town actions are things like going to work, where the destination location isn't visible to the player.
  • PathfindAction
    • A pathfinding action is an action that first finds a path and then allows that path to be traversed. The pathfinding is done using MLEM.Pathfinding.AStar2.
  • SellAction
  • SitAction
  • SitAtDeskObjectAction
  • SocialAction
    • A social action is an action that involves two TinyLife.Objects.Person instances. Before a social action "actually" starts, both parties have to have the action as their current action. For this to happen, the person that initiates the action follows the TinyLife.Actions.SocialAction.Partner until they reach them (or give up).
  • TalkAction
    • TalkAction is a generic social action with a set of pre-defined parameters. Things like TinyLife.PersonalityType and TinyLife.Skills.SkillType.Charisma automatically influence this interaction's TinyLife.Actions.TalkAction.TalkSettings.FriendshipGain and TinyLife.Actions.TalkAction.TalkSettings.GoBadlyChance. TinyLife.Actions.TalkAction.Create(System.String,System.Func{TinyLife.Objects.Person,System.Int32},TinyLife.Actions.TalkAction.TalkSettings) should be used to create a talk action.
  • TellPeopleToLeaveRoomAction
  • UnderlyingAction
    • An UnderlyingAction is a class that can instantiate a single TinyLife.Actions.UnderlyingAction.Action that will be executed as part of the action it is used in. Note that, when using this class, TinyLife.Actions.UnderlyingAction.Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime,System.TimeSpan,TinyLife.GameSpeed) and TinyLife.Actions.UnderlyingAction.Validate(TinyLife.Objects.Person) have to be called in the appropriate places.
  • WalkAction